Anybody leave AO for something else?

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum CM Educating Anybody leave AO for something else?


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  • dmccall3

    If so, why?



    I haven’t “left” AO, because I still use some of the book selections from AO in addition to, or in place of, the ones in the SCM Modules.  I do think this thread was very helpful.  I hope it helps you.  How old are your children and how many do you have?  That can make a big difference if you want to keep your children together or do different years.


    I only have one DS who turns 3 in March but we live in Africa for years at a time so I’m having to plan ahead. We do want more children but only have one right now. I’m more scared of an education being incomplete than anything else right now. Thank you for your help!

    Sara B.

    AO is actually what led me to CM.  But I couldn’t get past how in the world I would fit it all in having the kids doing so many different things at once.  Mine are all still young enough (and were at the time I was looking at it) that I have to read everything to them, and AO just simply wasn’t feasible.  However, with SCM, I can combine all 3 (ages 7, 6, and 4) for so many things, and let the 4yo do her “own” things while I work with the other 2, and still have time for one-on-one for those subjects they can’t do together.  And we still get done in less than 3 hours (usually).  And that’s with a toddler running around (although we do school now while he naps – oh, thank goodness that he isn’t tall enough to reach the door handle yet!  LOL).


    I, too, began with AO, but have migrated to SCM b/c I love the simplicity. It is our framework and I use all of the suggestions, unless something isn’t working for us and then I consult one of my many booklists for a substitute. With 4 kids all 3 years apart, AO simply wasn’t feasible for me. AO also felt too heavy a burden at times, but I do use some of the great books as additions on occasion. 




    Oh, I should mention that we all have “incomplete” educations because we can never know all there is to know. However, if we can instill a love of learning, a desire to make relations with info/things and the how-to for finding out, we’ve succeeded!



    Oh thats a good thing to keep in mind! Thank you!


    We will begin 1st grade for my ds next year.  I plan on using AO for the time being.  I’m not sure what I will do in 4 years when my dd will begin school.  When you have a larger gap in age between children is it easier to do the work togeather or seperately?  I’m hoping my son will be able to do more on his own while I work with dd.  Anyone already gone down this road with children several years apart?


    Ruth, it is always easier, IMO, to work together as much as possible. Also, while switching things around comes with homeschooling, I think simplifying is always a good plan!Smile


    Hi Ruth,

    We have five in school, ages 5 (almost 6), 7, 9, 11, 12.

    The older three do a lot of independent work – AO years 3, 5, 6 plus Canadian history, and the younger two are in year 1.  We skip some of AO – for instance in year 6 term 1 history we are only using Story of the World plus Canadian history relevant to the time period.  For natural history, we are not using The Sea Around Us, some of the fine ladies here didn’t recommend it.  We don’t use Age of Fable at all (lit selection). I like the character development books from here, also the poetry/Shakespeare/artist/composer study, so we follow along with these recommendations.

    We are working through Sonya’s Genesis – Deuteronomy guide about three days a week as a family, and each also have their own studies from AO but at a reduced load.  We haven’t found it to be overwork.  The kids enjoy both aspects of study.


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