Everything in Seasons 1 & 2 of Analytical Grammar is covered fully and more clearly in Get Smart. Get Smart does not parse above the sentences, but uses a key chart and identifies not only what part of speech each word or phrase is, but also what job it is performing. IMO, Analytical Grammar is good, but Get Smart is much, much better. I’ve taught classes with both and kids who were using AG last year and GS this year, overwhelmingly preferred GS because it’s less work, but more importantly, they “got it”.
Season 3 of AG covers usage and mechanics. Get Smart doesn’t cover these topics, but you could use a different resource to do this – Jensen’s Punctuation, Daily Grammar (free online), SCM’s new Using Language Well looks like it might have some of these topics, too.
I still have AG, but won’t be using it for season 3. I’ll just touch on those topics with other things as mentioned above. BTW, Get Smart will soon have a video component for every lesson making it virtually self teaching.
HTH, Christie