any one use my father's world?

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    Just wondering if anyone has used this or is using this.  If so, how close was it to CM ideas? 




    We use MFW and you can buid in the CM ideas however you like.  I just use the guide for a starting point.  Here are some older posts on this same subject.

    My Father’s World

    Anyone using My Fathers World?

    I hope I linked those correctly. 




    We used MFW’s Kindergarten and Creation to the Greeks last year.  This year we are using 1st, but building our own version of what MFW calls “Rome to Reformation”.

    It has a somewhat CM feel, but I don’t think as much as they claim.  Their LA suggestions (Serl’s Language Lessons) are their most CM…but they are only their suggestions.  There is a lot of nice books, living books in their packages, but your really move around, and in a lot of them, you don’t even read the entire book.  They use SOTW as their main History spines, Apologia Elementary for Science, and a somewhat condensed version of CM’s Music Study.  We didn’t like their Art Instruction program at all, and there was hardly any Artist Study.  There is a Timline that you hang on the wall, but no Book of Centuries.  You pick your own Math.  No copywork, barely a mention (if at all, I can’t remember) of narration.  They purge Bible with History as much as they can, but IMO it is not very CM at all.  And a few more Activities than fit our family.

    I’m rambling, but those are my thoughts on it…my 1st grader only uses their 1st Phonics sheets/workbook because it was bought for him by a friend.

    Like Suzq, I used the TM as a starting point, and really, we did our own thing.  A lot of folks also raved about their customer service, and I had 2 incidents in 18 months where I was almost in tears over the lack of it or insincerity of it…

    They do have a great message board you can get to from their website, mfwbooks dot com.  You will find all the families there absolutely love it.



    I am using MFW & enjoying it – but sometimes it makes me crazy too!  I think the only thing I don’t like about the forum is everybody seems to adore the curriculum and I don’t feel like I find a way to deal with the problems I do have with the curriculum.  I’ve been browsing, but for the price & the collection of books I do like – I don’t know if I could do better.  I really love the books I’m finding on this website, but adding up all the books I need would cost a fortune – and I am just NOT an online book user.  I just really need to be able to hold it & flip the pages – wierd I guess!  Our library is small & I printed out entire book lists I’d need if I went with some of the books here – because I seriously wanted to use this – but there was only 2 books I’d need for an entire year. I’ve been browsing though – and I’m going to the Homeschool Book Fair in May…just not sure.  I noticed MFW uses SOTW, which didn’t really impress me.  I’m leaning a little toward Mystery of History, but even then – I’d want the extra books that would be so expensive or difficult to obtain.  I guess I’m too new at this to feel ok just totally winging it!


    I use mfw and love it. It does have naration and copy work. We are loving 1st grade art history studying the great paintings. We love science day where we spend an entire day researching with nature journals and library books



    We still use MFW. ECC all the way through first year highschool now.  (I see I am on here from a year ago.)  SCM is a wonderful site as well and I thought it may be less expensive if you can utilize your library well.  It just wasn’t around when I started out and I liked having the guide from MFW  to get us going. Also, my friend that got me atarted on MFW, now works there or her husband does.  But she does talks at the conventions. So I feel a little tied to MFW becasue of that.  If you want to PM me your particular MFW questions, I may be able to help. 



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