Any Novel Study Guide

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  • 4myboys

    Awhile back many of you planned to use this.  Have you yet? What do you think of it? 


    Bought it for this year. Haven’t used it except for brief character sketching w/Tom Sawyer. It’s been sorely neglected this year. Not sure if I’ll stick w/it or go w/Lightening Lit. or something to have it planned for me. We tend to be more disciplined w/curriculum that is more scripted that I can just hand to the kids and tell them to do it…..


    That’s the biggest reason I’ve not bought it yet. I really need as much open and go stuff as I can, especially for my older ds. I love the look of Lightning Lit, but not sure my ds will love it. We’ll probably start with something else. I’d like to squeeze one novel study before the end of the year (6th grade for him).


    I should say t hat I do think it’s a helpful guide, if I just took the time to do it!  I think it’s great for an intro. to lit. analysis w/o the cost of other programs. However, since it involves me and dd 7th already has a pretty long day, I just haven’t taken the time:( If you find something that works, please share:)

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