I am a former NE HSer…we’ve been out of NE for a couple years. From what I remember, we had a form to fill out, a form that needed to be notarized (our bank did this), and a list of what we will cover for each subject or curriculums used. For some subjects I listed specific curriculum and for others I listed topics I was planning on covering.
I used World Books scope and sequence page to help me put it in public-school-friendly words. I only listed what topics I was planning on covering.
Holly summed it up pretty well. You also have to provide a calendar of either school days or hours. If you end up moving let me know and I’ll send you what I send in every year – the exact wording. There are a couple of pages that HSLDA also has us file with the state that are not required, but rather assert our right to homeschool.
Yep…that’s it. Like Holly said, for ‘major curriculum’ I just write in the name…”RightStart.” For things like health where I don’t use a curriculum I provide a book list OR copy the table of contents of a book I’ll be using. I choose to list the # of hours instead of calendar days. You also need to submit who will teach each subject (fill in the blank next to a subject) and the grades that you’ll be teaching. Basically it’s filling out forms, getting them notarized, and mailing them in. Both parents have to fill out the forms and get them notarized. I can’t remember if you’re military or not but the base legal office will notarize them at the front desk for free, no appointment needed. The first year you’ll also need to provide birth certificates for each child of school age.
Currently I am in Omaha living with my parents (we’ve been here a week). I am actually looking for a rental we can afford (and can’t find a thing). If any of you know of a rental, in a safe area, under $1000 I’d appreciate it. My husband is military but we are separating. Could you PM me, crazy4boys, with how to get to the legal office (I just don’t remember)? I need to go to MPF and get a new ID as well.
Rebekahy, I would be very interested in what seeing your paper work. I homeschooled here before but I just couldn’t remember what was involved.
Both Rebekahy and I are in the Bellevue/Omaha area. We should get together when you’re more settled! PMing you now. And I’ll keep my ears out for rentals.
Rebekah – yep…just ordered. We’ve done it several times since you told me they were doing organics and such. I usually make my own bread but have been really sick with kidney stones and other awesome stuff so it’s been a real lifesaver to get healthy bread at such a great price. Woohoo! I’ll probably see you in line and not even know it’s you.