any great suggestions for scheduling writing assignments?

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum Planning Your CM Education CM Organizer any great suggestions for scheduling writing assignments?

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  • kurtjenvb

    I am trying to come up with a good a way to enter writing assignments on the organizer.  I haven’t found it yet!  I’d love some ideas.  For example, in any given week, my kids will each complete a variety of writing assignments related to our history studies, or their literature books, etc.  The type of assignment depends on their age.  I don’t want to need to go in and enter every little assignment – and I don’t really plan ahead.  For example. if we’re reading about the Aswan Dam, I will spontaneously give a writing assignment about the Aswan Dam for that day – they may work on it for 3-4 days, including all of the editing, etc.  My current thought is to just enter a generic “writing assignment” resource, and let the kids tell what it was in the note section…the only problem with that is, it will never be “finished” – it will forever be “worked on”….I’d love to hear how some of you have solved this!


    Why not just number the assignments “Composition #1, Composition #2” ….?  So you’d enter a resource called Composition and then under the divider you’d number them and label them however you like.  Weekly or as they work on them you’d mark them as worked on or finished.  In the notes you could put a brief description of whatever spontaneous assignment it was that they did.  I think that that is how we do it.  Isn’t the great … I’m not even sure what I’m doing!  LOL.


    I think that will work – I will try it – thanks!

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