Hello to all of The CM families out there! So excited to be here on this forum. Wanted to know if anyone has a CM “way” of teaching days of week and the months of the year to preschoolers? Just wondering how Charlotte approached this topic…?
There are several Eric Carle books that teach colors, days of the week, months of the year, numbers, etc. These things are incorporated into the story. I just cannot think of titles off the top of my head! Sorry! Maybe someone else help out or you can just browse his books at the library.
I sing the days of the week to the tune of The Addams Family. It helped my daughter learn them. I don’t have a song for the months of the year.
There’s Sunday and there’s Monday,
There’s Tuesday and there’s Wednesday,
There’s Thursday and there’s Friday,
Then there’s Saturday,
Days of the week (snap snap), Days of the week (snap snap)
Days of the week, Days of the week, Days of the week (snap snap)
We used the same Adams Family song mentioned above with my daughter. There is also one for months of the year. If you google it, you will probably find it. She has also learned the continents and all of the U.S. States & Capitols through songs (though not until she was 5/6 years of age). We love learning with songs. 🙂
For months, we did 30 Days Hath September poem. It is in RightStart math.
For days, we used Eric Carle’s Hungry Caterpillar. There is a free lapbook for it on homeschoolshare website. They would also print out their own calendar each month on starfall website for free. They would mark days we had something planned and refer to it on their own.
Do you remember the Macarena? It was a popular song in the 90s with a dance (mostly hand moves). We chanted the months of the year to the Macarena. I may have changed a few of the moves as that was a long time ago and I haven’t actually danced the Macarena since college! We did the same when learning the months in Spanish.
We also also have a little chant for the days if the week that involved patting our legs to the beat as we said them. My kids loved this! To help with understanding, we would put a sticker on the calendar for the day and I would say: today is Wednesday, January 21, 2015. Then we would do our little chants. It was fun!