Any British/English people using CM at home? Would love to hear from you!

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum CM Educating General Questions about CM Any British/English people using CM at home? Would love to hear from you!

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  • saritacampanita

    Hi, I’m thinking about starting CM homeschool with our 3 boys (they’re all preschool age at the mo so still in the planning stages!). I am in the UK and have not yet come across any CM blogs/websites written by people over here. I would love to hear from any English people doing CM homeschool. Thanks

    Mum In Zion

    Welcome.  I’m not in the UK but have used Mater Amabilis for some British and Australian options for CM.


    I’m British – I think most people here are from North America, I’ve only come across one other Brit here.  But have you come across the Ambleside Online forum? (Ambleside Online is a free CM curriculum at )  There’s a group of British Mums there who swap ideas for book substitutions etc, and one or two of them have websites.  Here’s the link for the AO forum  Once you register, click on the thread for AO International, then select Everywhere Else, and under that you’ll find the AO in the UK thread. I’m not on here every day or even every week, but I’ll try and keep and eye out for if you have any questions.


    HI Inky, 

    Thanks so much for your reply. I’ve now headed over to AO international and found all sorts of people (kind of!!). Thanks for the tip.


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