any AO users for history or science?

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    I am wondering if there are any of you that use SCM and combine it with AO? I have been going back and forth trying to decide if I should do SCM-Middle Ages with my will be 4th and 1st grader in the Fall or AO’s history. Or even do SCM’s and add some AO’s history in. Any suggestions? I REALLY like the fact that SCM has it organized as a family so we can do it together verses 2 seperate grades and I like that geography and map drills are there for me. At the same I am wondering if we are missing something by not doing AO and hearing those books. However, my fear with that is that some of the books are really dated ie some science ones and I don’t want the kids hearing wrong info.

    I feel the same way for science. Just not sure what to do and I am feeling very overwhelmed and stressed currently.

    Any help would be appreciated.




    I totally understand! I’ve gone back and forth way too much w/history…Sonlight, then AO, then Truthuest, then SCM w/Truthquest….you get the picture:)

    Only you can decide what’s best for your family, but I’ve come to the concusion that what works best is simplicity in these subjects. I want to make sure we are solid in Math and Language Arts. I want the content subjects like history and science to be enjoyed and not stressed over.  

    This is not everyone’s experience, but my kids were about the age of yours when we did AO history and we only lasted 6mo. Neither kid really cared for This Country of Ours, and I was reading each of them separate sections out of the same book…not practical or enjoyable for me either:) I had a hard time coming to SCM…felt like it seemed lighter. However, SCM books are just right for my kids. My youngest is a stronger reader and can sometimes read a section above in the age-segrated books, but the books fit my eldest perfectly. 

    The guides aren’t super heavy, so if you wanted to add in an AO book here and there you can just pencil it in the SCM guide margins and do it…up to you:)  

    For science, I wish I would have been more laid back in the younger years. We’ve covered most of the Apologia books, which are great…but it would have been more fun and I think the kids would have retained more if we would have done something like the SCM suggestions, plus more nature study.

    Just my .02:) Enjoy these years…I know how stressful it feels and wish I wouldn’t have worried so much. Blessings, Gina


    Thanks. I do want something doable and we have always pretty much followed SCM for the bulk of our school. I also want my 4th grader to be more independent, so I am trying to figure out how to do that with a CM education when everything pretty much has to be done together. Any words of wisdom for that? 🙂

    Since your oldest will be in the grade4-6 , you can do the family readings together and have your 4th grader do the grade specific reading on his own. I usually have my older one narrate back what they learned.


    What do you mean by a “CM education when everything pretty much has to be done together”? Do you mean CM in general, or SCM specifically? Anyway, my 4th grader is very independent. He is a good reader and enjoys independent work. I keep him on track, listen to narrations, go over his math (dictation, Spanish, etc) lesson and do a few readings with him. We use AO – it fits my style. I’d rather work one-on-one than deal with crowd control. Plus my kids are all different. HTH! Tongue out


    We had to do some transitioning this year and put my 8th grader on a different track (going to private school next year). My 5th grader is a solid reader and does well independently, so I even gave him our family reader…Story of the Greeks. He’s done well doing all of his history reading on his own. He orally narrates his lessons. Once a week he give me a written history narration instead of the oral. He also does the geography notebook on his own. Works well here. My kids are getting where they don’t like ‘together time.’ They prefer to do their work on their own schedule:)


    Ok, tell me if I’m crazy here, I’m sure I am! Know that I don’t know for SURE if I am going to do this, it’s just a passing thought (especially as I am getting ready to go to a used curriculum fair in the morning and haven’t decided on AO or SCM for history or both!) at the moment. Ok. So, my son will be in 1st grade and my daughter is 4th. At the present moment I am thinking of maybe either 1) doing SCM’s Middle Ages handbook with her living books and Famous Men spine AND then along with that do AO’s CHOW, TCOO. What do you think, too much? OR do 2) AO’s history with TCOO and CHOW and then just add in SCM’s history living books and not Famous Men.

    Also, I am wondering if I should just do AO’s geography if I am doing AO’s history and not to Visits To Europe (I was going to do that). Have any of you done Visits To and can you compare it to AO’s geography?

    I don’t know what the Famous Men books are really like. I can’t compare it to CHOW so I don’t know if they are equal or not. The other thing that’s hard is that AO does 1000-Middle Ages in Yr 2 and then Yr 3. Reinance/Reformation whereas SCM combines all 3 of those in 1 year.

    And then of course there is the question of where do I go in AO? Yr. 1 for my son, YR. 2 for history/Geography and Yr. 4 for my daughter who will be in 4th grade?!!?!?!? AUGH!

    Can I just tell you I can’t WAIT until I have this all figured out! My mind has been a whirlwind this past week!

    I also want to say thank you so very much for all of your wonderful feedback!


    My short answer is to just pick one program and go with it. 

    Here’s the long answer:

    I’ve done a lot of thinking and flipping back and forth between AO and SCM myself.  I’ve done bits and pieces of each, with some other books from different places as well.  I read both forums regularly.  I think I’ve changed my mind about a hundred times on whether to combine my kids or keep them separated.

    So, after all that study, and especially reading on the AO forum about other people’s experiences, I’ve learned that AO seems to work better if you just do it all.  Everyone seems to say that when they’ve try to adjust things, they regret it and resolve to just follow the plan as is.  Most people also strongly agree that AO doesn’t work well if you try to combine kids of different ages.  The books were chosen much more with specific ages/years in mind, and a book that is appropriate for Year 4, for example, may not be appropriate for a 6 year old.

    On the other hand, from what I’ve read about those using SCM there is much more flexibility, since the program is designed with multiple ages in mind.  There are many more choices of books, so you can move between them more easily.  It’s also easier to substitute books, without losing the whole flow of the program.

    So, I think if you want to teach your children together, stick with SCM.  Throw in a few chapters from CHOW or TCOO if you think there is something missing in SCM’s book choices.  If you like, use some of the Literature books that relate (The Little Duke, for Middle Ages, for example), but don’t work about trying to add in all of AO’s history.  AO doesn’t include all of the chapters of very many books anyway.  Sometimes you might only read from a book 2 or 3 times in a term. 

    If you like the AO books better, don’t try to combine children of different ages.  Do the program as written.

    For the record, I’m currently switching my 6yo DS and 8yo DD to combine their history and science from now on.  DS was doing mostly AO1 and DD was mostly AO3 (both with some tweaks), but we’ve decided that we all think it will be better to combine.  We are going to get as much of the rest of Middle Ages/Renaissance in as we get between now and September (we school year round, so that’s still 4 months) and then we are going to start fresh in Module 5 of SCM, with a few adjustments to use books that I already own.  This means that DS will not get as much Middle Ages history as his sister did, but I’m not going to worry about it.  He’s only 6.  He’ll revisit the time period later!  Besides, even what we do in 4 months will be more than I got in 12 years at school, so I think he’ll survive!

    Good luck with whatever you decide!



    Sigh, thank you. I appreciate that, it is just a tough decision. It’s oneo of those things where I want someone to say “do _____ curriculum”. I know we wouldn’t do AO’s history because of the older books and inaccuracies. I had my husband look at some of them and that was actually his suggestion. I just need to flip a coin LOL!

    Thanks so much again for your input, I just need to pray and think about it.



    I think option one is definitely too much for that age. Option two might be doable, if you keep the extra books as fun extras and don’t stress over it. But I agree with above. Less is more. I’d pick one program and try not to adjust much. It makes life more stressed and not worth it. I know it’s hard when there’s benefits to both, but I’d pick the ONE program that resonates more with you. Follow it as written, while feeling freedom to throw in extra books here and there.

    I should add that for Middle Ages I think CHOW is more age appropriate. Famous Men was a bit too much for my then 4th grader. But at that age you don’t need a spine. With SCM you could skip if and just read the age segregated books until older. Just my .02:) Blessings, Gina

    P.S. I personally prefer SCM’s geography. The Visits books are very helpful, and get done:)


    What about CHOW instead of Famous Men of the Renaissance/Reformation as well? I think I want some spine just to keep us going and on track. One year we used Tyrning Back the Pages of Time, which was great, but it was hard to figure out what came first in that specific time period. So I do like the idea of a spine to keep us moving forward and the living books to embellish history and make it enjoyable.

    Do you feel you are learning a lot of geography with Visits Books? Yes, I see how it can get done, a definite plus in my book! Can you compare more about the difference with both though AO/SCM’s geography? Where do you feel you learn more geography? Oh, and am I correct in understanding that you are still doing the map drill weekly on ie Europe with Visits To along with learning about what they eat, how they live…..?


    I agree – pick one to start with. And know yourself. I do better with one-on-one sessions with my kids, so we do AO.

    And remember – you can change your mind! You could commit for 1 year or just 1 term or even use the library and do a 1 month test of history together vs separate.

    Buy good, living books at the book sale. And you’ll still be able to get your math and language arts selections if you see them. I hope you find something you are at peace with.

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