Another Science ? Apologia General or Real Science 4 Kids Level 1

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  • missceegee

    OK, here I go asking more science questions. I’ve looked online at most everything. DD11 will be in 6th grade in the fall. Thus far she’s used apologia astronomy and botany, lots of living books and The Storybook of Science by Fabre. I have narrowed my choices to either Apologia General Science to be used over 2 years (6th/7th) or RS4K Level 1 chemistry, physics and biology for 1 year (6th).

    Any thoughts on these choices? What worked or didn’t? I like to hold the books to really make a decision and I’m trying to avoid ordering both to do that.




    From what I have been told Gen Sci fits best in avid G7’rs and G8. But I am hoping to use this for DD in G 7:

    it is due out 2013.

    G6 will be:

    I did buy the RSFK Biology but we never ended up using it past the first 5 lessons. It was unclear how to use the student book somewhat. I am not sure what to put my finger on about it. It seems to make sense in it’s content but not so much it’s delivery. But it could be that I just did not give it a fair try? or seek help from mothers who had used it? I don’t know.


    Hi Christie,

    This is only my opinion, but I think Apologia’s General Science might be a bit much for a sixth grader (of course, it would depend on the sixth grader).

    The three RSFK books in sixth grade, would likely work well.  Our daughters enjoy the texts.



    Just a quick update. After narrowing it to these two, I asked my daughter. She wanted both. So, we opted for the RS4K for 6th grade and will do Apologia General in 7th. This way my ds8 will do the RS4K Pre-Level of the same topics. I’ve ordered the books and the lab kits and that’s one less thing to plan for! 

    Thanks for helping me think it through.


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