Another Potty Training post

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  • suzukimom

    I don’t want to steal the Potty Training question already going….

    My 3yo girl and I have been working on Potty training for quite a while now.  She is mostly good with going pee (a fair number of accidents some days, but stays dry other days.

    However…  I don’t think she has ever pooped on the toilet.  It seems that she either waits for a diaper (I put her in one for bed, or for a nap) or she just goes in her training pants.  Last night we had sent her to the bathroom – and when I went to check on her, she was standing in front of the toilet with her underwear on going poop.  

    She does have some “pretty” underwear that she wants to wear – I’ve told her that when she is pooping in the toilet that she can wear them – but that isn’t helping.   But… her training pants are getting too small…

    I know I can’t “make” her go… but this just seems to be what is missing…   I’m not sure what else to do.  (You would think that by the 3rd child I’d know what I was doing….)



    Ok so I’m not an expert, but my 1st 3 thoughts are this:

    1.after she poops in her diaper do you take her to the potty and deposit there and show her where it goes “poopy goes in the potty~””  then (and most importantly) let her flush it.  At this piont we always had our kids saying “bye-bye poopy”

    2. What about the fact she must feel “relaxed” to do most/all pooping in the diaper which is also associated with relaxing things nap/bed time.  Could you maybe have a book read or something during this time?

    3. Get the undies out and let her wear them saying they are for big girls.  Girls who go pee & poop on the potty.  Ask her if she’s ready for that.  Let her wear them and if something happens tell her how sad her new undies are that she didn’t poop in the potty?

    That is just a few suggestions.  I have not had a hard time with the pooping thing though I know many have.  So I’m lucky I guess.  Continue to be consistant and yet firm.  She’ll get it!


    Another thing to try – squatting on the toilet to poop.  You’ll have to be with her/hold her hands, but with one of my children it worked wonders.  Squatting is the natural position to make pooping easiest, so the novelty of it just may help her try it.  Never hurts to try, right?



    I stayed on top of my two year old and delayed naps and everything until he would start go so I could catch it so to speak…and I’d grab him up and put him on the potty so he would have the success and the association (which you might need to do but just a few times!).  however, if given the choice or chance he would wait for his underwear or pullup at sleep time.  it was driving me nuts and keeping me majorly on edge watching him/waiting…my husband stepped in and read the book I recommended on the other thread…and we stopped being overly vigilant…of course, if we did see him going or about to go we ran him straight to the potty…but we started making a big deal of the yucky smelly poopy…my thespian husband had some hilarious acting here…and then we made him matter of factly clean it up…cured him in no time flat!  This past month he has had a couple of accidents because of the diarrehea that has swept through the house…but he does his best to get to the potty.  It clicked day 2 or 3 of cleaning up all that mess–dumping poopy into potty, washing out the underwear, wiping up the floor…oh, and we would shower him off very matter of factly…but no bath time play…(he hated the shower part and the no play part)…but we made it more uncomfortable for him to keep missing the potty and to literally hold it until he had a private moment to go…yikes!–  I couldn’t believe he was doing that…but he did!–than to just go in the potty.  I am not an expert.  My (pedeatric nurse, mother of 7, pastor’s wife) friend coached me! with my first boy…

    FYI for this and other potty post:  We always try to interact with them over this and other things…pleasantly, matter of factly, with a small smile on our faces…yet they are required to obey.




    oh and tristan reminded me…When I knew it was about time for him to poop, I sat him on the potty, and  I taught him to push.  I sang the song push it out shove it out way out song.

    and i squinted my eyes shut, put my hands in a fist, and squished up my face, made funny grunting/pushing noises, and kind of held my arm/elbows tightly to my body…pretending to push…(hey I just birthed a baby…it was plenty fresh!)…and the light bulb came on…sometimes I still see him doing that on the potty…and then he’ll look up to see me watching him and he’ll grin really big.  It helped him get it–the poop doesn’t just fall out!  I do have some control over it!




    In seven children I have never heard that before (making them help with the clean up)… that just might work! I think I’ll give it a try with my current toddler Smile


    JennNC – yeah, my 3rd was stubborn.  Just plain stubborn.  She could use the potty but just decided one day that she wanted diapers still (had only used potty a few days at that point).  As she was 3 and knew what she was doing I simply told her that she was too big and now those diapers were the baby’s.  She had to wear underwear, and like everything else in the house, if she made a mess, she had to clean it. 

    I don’t think she believed me until that first day was over and she had cleaned up all her “messes”.  She’s a neat and tidy girl who wants her hands clean, so it really grossed her out and she was quickly on board with using the toilet again…LOL. 



    Hey Tristan (and others…)

    So – how do you have a toddler clean up after pooping?  You have them dump as much as they can, and then they clean the underwear out entirely ready for dirty laundry?   I have heard of having them do it – but I can’t picture the process.    

    (One of my other kids was a poop artist….  so although I’m frustrated it is still much better than finding poop all over the room after almost every nap (and the child in question didn’t get phased by having to (try) to clean it up… so I don’t think it would have bothered that child to clean the underwear…..)    

    So I keep reminding myself…. she isn’t a poop artist and I don’t have that mess to deal with!


    Suzukimom – I know this won’t help with your three year old, BUT I know you’ve got a baby the same age as mine AND while I NEVER thought I could do the infant potty training… my one year old has been pooping on the potty!  Now, I am definitely the one doing all the work, as soon as she starts grunting, I put her on the potty and similar to Jo, I grunt and make faces to show her what to do, and if I’ve timed it right, she goes in the potty.  Now, it’s a bit of work, BUT since we’re using cloth diapers, I consider the effort worth it – to not have to dunk and swirl those diapers.  I’m not particularly worried about whether or not she pees on the potty yet, but if I could get her pooping that would save me a great deal of headaches in the future.  (This is coming from the woman who claims to be the worst potty trainer ever).  I’m hoping to break that title with my fourth.  Wink


    Yes, I hard about IPT, and like the idea.  I knew one mom that did that and her daughter would “go” in the toilet when held at a young age.   I actually tried to do some of the “late” IPT when my son (my oldest) was about 10 months… but I never got the hang of knowing when he was going to go etc…   and I’ve just never felt like I had the energy with any of my others.   I know that it can overall be less effort – but with the rest of my babies, I was always potty training a toddler… and also although done well it is a lot less effort… the effort that is there is right when everything else is a big effort.

    I still think it is a great idea, and I know it can work well.


    So what if the toddler “loves” washing out her underwear?




    hahaha. . . ummm… snort… I mean …..

    Okay, if the toddler loves wshing out her underwear I’m not sure what else you can do.  Oh my, aren’t they all so different?  Pray about it.  I know that there is a solution, but quite honestly I don’t know what that would be.

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