Another Heritage History question

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  • jmac17

    For those who have used a few books from HH, how have you found the editing in most of the books?  I bought several of the collections last year, but we have only used one or two.  I’ve been prereading to get ready for next year, and I’m disappointed.  I’m working on ‘Famous Men of the Middle Ages’.  It’s horrible!  I’m hoping to transition my DD to reading more on her own next year, but I definitely would not be able to hand off this book.  There are so many errors that in a few places it’s almost unintelligible.  My 8yo would be frustrated within a few pages.

    I had expected HH to be as good quality as YC, of which we have read several books.  Please tell me that this is an anomoly and that they aren’t all going to be this bad!  Or was this a poor purchase choice?



    Is it as bad online?  In the PDF?   I’m curious if it is just a problem in one format….

    I’d be tempted to contact them.

    (I don’t own HH books myself, so can’t comment on their quality.  The ones I’ve looked at online have been good, but of course that doesn’t mean the ebook version would be….)


    I would contact HH with my conderns.  I only got my books yesterday so, I haven’t gotten to look at many, but the ones I did look at were fine.  There were not glaring problems.  I did see an issue with a few spaces in between words where there should be none, but that was it.


    We have had for just over a week and so far not noticed any problems. I am using the epub format. I would

    contact and ask, also check the other formats as well. See if something is going on, maybe something happened in the conversion process.


    Whew!  Crisis averted!  It’s just that my App isn’t playing nice with Kindle.  Thanks for the suggestions and reassurance everyone. 

    I don’t know what is going on with my BookReader app, but it really garbled things.  I had imported the book in Kindle format, since the app supports a variety of formats.  The Kindle reader on my computer reads it fine.  BookReader on my tablet reads the epub format fine.  The Kindle format, however, was horrible.  Letters missing, spaces missing, and then some words were just completed garbled, like “Roman Empire” cames out as “Rodsllleen” and “Anglo-Saxons” becomes “sh.s riisWs Es”  It’s actually pretty funny now that I’m not worried about the books being unusable!  So, lesson learned.  I’ll use epub from now on!

    Thanks again.



    Joanne, i’m so glad you found the problem.


    So glad you got it working.

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