I know some of you with older children wish you’d have started oral and written narration sooner. And, I think you’d agree that the sooner new CMers begin the practice with their children, the better. Right?
One of the concerns that pops up here and there is the TIME factor. Lots of kids, lots of books, lots of other responsibilities, too.
Over at the Wildflower and Marbles blog, you will find encouragement in this area and a solution, too. Begin early if you still can. And, learn to cultivate the habit of “silent narrations.”
I don’t know why I’d never thought to verbalize the idea of silent narration to my kiddos. Maybe they do it automatically, but I just never have suggested it, so it sounded like a conversation we need to have and I want to work toward it with our youngest.
This article is FABULOUS! It is just what I needed to read right now…..thanks for this great link. i will be passing this on to fellow CMers in my area.