How much of an 8 yr olds work could be done independently? I have always by about 3rd grade had them over 50% on their own. Reading (all but history, science), math, typing, map work, etc. My son being a good reader but not a strong reader, well I don’t think he’s going to be able to handle all the reading.
So I will have to start the year, and hopefully by the 1st of January, be able to back off. But I am wondering if I have just had really strong readers and was lucky or if this would be normal to still be with them so much at this age? I guess I am feeling a bit overwhelmed with a 8 yr old & 5 yr old both willing and ready to work but needing so much of me to do anything.
I have children who are older and willing to help, no issues there especially for my 3 yr old, but … I just tknow I will have to cut back on said 8 yr old’s reading to get it all in. I guess I’m feeling like I’m letting him down by not getting it all in. I will get the basics, reading, math, religious ed, but the extra he’ll miss.
sorry… venting.. been stressful trying to plan, buy and get ready for start of Aug school year. Thanks for listening.. I hope you made something out of this.. cause I didn’t LOL
I do think it varies by child. I’m on my 3rd 8yo and you know I aim to teach a lot of independence because of how often I’ve been at the hospital and doctors for Mason. Makayla (now 13) did well when we transitioned to more independence. Joseph was 8 for most of 2nd grade and a really weak reader. I would read his instructions if needed, and he listened to me reading most of his history/science things. This last school year he was 9 for most of 3rd grade and was able to handle more of his reading on his own, but again, I still read history to him and he didn’t have a real ‘literature list’ because it took forever to wade through even 1 chapter book. I just let him wade through at his pace and now he’ll turn 10 this fall in 4th and he’ll be taking over his literature and a large portion of his geography/history reading. But it has been a slow process.
Emma, on the other hand, has read well for a while and is now 8 and heading into 3rd – she’ll do most of her reading independently. She’s just ready for it. Her challenge is not getting distracted in her other work (anything not involving reading). 😉
You know I have all the little ones behind her. Daniel reads extremely well (taught himself at age 3). He’s easy. He’s been doing a lot independently since last year when he turned 6 in the fall. Coming behind him I have Oliver who is 5 and not reading yet. We’re working on it because he asked to, but I see a lot of the same things in him I saw in Joseph, so we’ll probably be on a similar relaxed path. I just try to go with the flow. The three younger boys are only 3, 2, and nearly 1 so I have no idea what they will be like by 8!
What about seeking out some audio books as a support for the 8yo, to do some of the readings you would like him to have but won’t be able to read aloud to him because of time?? We’ve loved audio books for a long time.
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