Andreola's Story Starters


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  • baileymom

    I am wondering if anyone is using this right now? And how?

    We’ve had it since spring, but were using R&S English, which has composition built in. Having recently shelved R&S, I’m thinking it would be a great time to start using SS. (along with PLL/3rd, SG/6th, and AG/9th)

    TIA, kathi


    We are using this quite often.  Pretty simple to use.  When they have writing time, I say, “why don’t you do a story starter.”  They get the book and select one they like and write the ending to the story.  Then we have a little “conference” about it – spelling, grammar errors, things that make it sound better, and ending maybe. 

    That’s it.  I have some kids that love using it and some that don’t. 

    My kids are 10, 12 and 13.

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