Ancient Greece Read Alouds for Grades 1-3

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  • eawerner

    If I wanted to substitute a couple books in for Aesops fables in Term 2 & 3 of Module 2, would The Children’s Homer and Archimedes and the Door of Science be do-able for a 2nd grader or should I look for something younger? They are listed for grades 4-6 but I wondered if that was the reading level or the appropriate content level.

    Any other suggestions for book in that time period and age group would be great.

    I am reading my kids a couple of books from Yesterday’s Classics. Our Little Athenian Cousin of Long Ago we are reading now, a chapter or two a week. Then we’ll start it’s partner, Our Little Spartan Cousin of Long Ago. So far my kids, including a 7 year old, really like it.

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