Ancient Egypt and Her Neighbors– audio or book?

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum CM Specifics History Ancient Egypt and Her Neighbors– audio or book?

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  • hlmckinney7

    New to CM.  Planning Module 1. Kids are in grades: 8th, 5th, and 3rd PLUS a 2 year old.  I wondered if it would be helpful to listen to Sonya read (and pronounce difficult names) while I keep him quiet. Thoughts?


    I chose this option for the past year, and while it was helpful to have someone else doing the reading for a change so I could focus on ds3 and new baby, it also led to several instances of ds 3 being ‘shushed’ by older siblings wanting to listen. We had the mp3 download as we’re in the UK, and it wasn’t so easy to go back to a bit you’d missed, like you would be able to backtrack a few lines/pages in a book.

    My older two are grades 4 and 2.


    We enjoyed the audiobook very much.

    Alicia Hart

    We have and used both but with a 2 yr old in the mix, I would definitley use the audio book! 🙂 

    Faith R Miller

    I used both with my 6yr last year. I would read it one day and then have her listen to it another day. She really enjoyed both and seemed to get more out of it.


    Great! Thanks, ladies.Smile


    We preferred the audio book, too!

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