An update on my son…..

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  • my3boys

    So, we’ve have had a stressful week with considering ps for my 12 yo, but our prayers have been answered. 

    He (with guidance, I’ll admit) has decided that staying home next year is in his best interest.  I am relieved, to say the least, and he seems to be at peace with it as well.  He seems settled (not to have settled, but ykwim), comfortable and looking forward to what next school year will bring. 

    I feel like I can plan and get on with life as we know it.  A burden has been lifted to the degree that it feels as if we weren’t just now having this major decision on our hands, and I can breathe, sleep and eat again.

    Thank you, everyone, for your kind words of encouragement, prayers and suggested reading (that I am going to read:) I could not have gone through this, or would not have wanted to, without having this forum to lay my burden down.  I know I have the Lord and my husband, but sometimes the Lord speaks through people (who you aren’t married to) and uses them to help sort things out.  I am so thankful for this safe place to share some very difficult and personal issues and then receive such spiritual, practical, thoughtful advice.  You ladies are such a blessing to me.

    PS: If anyone that participated (or not) in the original thread titled Quality of hsing questioned by son???  or something like that, and would like to know what specifically led to his/our decision, feel free to pm me.  I hate to have everyone have to read my ramblings if they don’t want to:)

    I am so happy for you and I pray that the coming year will be a blessing for your son and your family – try not to pressure yourself to give him a ‘perfect’ year – just go on as you normally would have done.  The lines of communication are now open between you and I would encourage that dialogue so that he feels he is a part of the decisions in his education while understanding that you are following God’s path in your family life.  Relax and enjoy some peace of mind now…Blessings, Linda


    Thanks Linda.  And, how did you know that I’d be looking to make it ‘perfect’??  Must be experience, cause I have definitely thought that.  I think I have thought that since I brought him home from ps in the first place.  He wanted to hs, not me early on.  Then when I wanted to and he had lost interest I felt the need to almost ‘bribe’ him with what we can do to keep his mind off ps and what he thought he may be missing.  I do not like the feeling of ‘talking them into it/bribery/pointing out what he’d have to do,’ etc. I’d like him/them to understand that this is what we do and not always have to explain ourselves.  But, at the same time, I want him to be a part of his educational decisions, pursuit of interests, and work together for a common goal.  So, that is where the communication comes in.  

    Yes, I need to relax and enjoy this peace of mind right now.  Blessings to you too.

    You are welcome and yes I have been there and done that and it was way too much pressure for everyone – thankfully I got over myself and rememberd to let God lead us and funny thing it worked much better.  Once I learned to relax and not follow everyone else who I thought had it together I did much better – it took some time early on to realize that copying other homeschooling families was not what we needed to do – we needed to do what worked for us and what worked for someone else was not what God had in his mind for our homeschool.  With much prayer and remembering that I was not in control, it did become a real pleasure to homeschool and it still is – with the odd hiccup when mum gets high and mighty and forgets herself…Linda


    Thanks for the words of wisdom.  Today has been a good day, and yesterday as well. We took a trip to the zoo (in town) to renew our membership for the historical society and had a great time.  The Lorikeets are there and my 12yo l-o-v-e-d being in the exhibit with them.  I got some great picks of him feeding them and of them resting on his head.  It was so good to hear him laugh and enjoy the day.  He could’ve stayed in there all day.  My other boys enjoyed it too, it was so fun to watch my middle boy freak out when the birds landed on him.  I got  a picture of myself with the birds on my head also, so fun:)  BTW, those birds are sooo colorful and fun to watch.  Hopefully we can go back before they leave.

    Oh, the “comparison shopping” will destroy you, won’t it??  I’m learning that that is not the way to go, either:)  Thanks for the reminder:)

    Glad you had a happy day – that was a smart thing to do, a field trip to relax and enjoy – good planning….have a blessed weekend.  Linda

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