An "Ode to Joy" kind of week.

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  • jmac17

    I just had to share the interesting pattern that came up in our lives this week. 

    We’ve been listening to Beethoven as our composer for the past month or so.  We’re using which has includes links to various performances.  Of course, my children’s favourite is this one from the Muppets:

    Then, my daughter has been working through “Piano Adventures” and this week she started practicing a short clip from Ode to Joy.  She played it Over and Over again!

    So I had the tune stuck in my head and started humming the song last night while doing dishes.  Which prompted my husband to show me this performance that he had seen recently:

    Then, this shows up in my facebook this afternoon:

    Do you think someone is trying to tell me something?  A youtube or google search would probably have led me to many of those sources, but I didn’t have to search.  They all just came to me. 

    Anyway, I had fun and thought I’d share.



    Love it when that happens!


    Totally enjoyed the links – LOVED the last one. So beautiful! I bookmarked it. 😉


    My hubby showed me the last video the other day. I got teary-eyed over it. Joyful, Joyful We Adore Thee is the hymn we’ve been working on recently, so of course the kids loved that video too.

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