Where would I find the amount of time per lesson. per age of children? Does this also pertain to combined History and literature? I have a soon to be 8 dd, 10dd, 13 son, 17 son. We are slowly transitioning to CM. We have done some copy work and we are using Spelling wisdom.
The maximum lesson lengths are
Grades 1-3: 15-20 minutes max
Grades 4-6: 20-30 minutes max
Grades 7-9: 30-45 minutes max
Many subjects take less time, but no lesson should go longer. For combined readings, I usually try to stick with the maximum time for the youngest or the middle child in the group (depending on the situation). The older ones usually have additional reading and narrating to do on their own, so they spend more time on the subject.
My daughter, age 10, is really struggling with her math facts. I am at my frustration point in teaching her. It is all tears at this point. Any suggestions? She can’t do any other math without multiplication. Please help with suggestions.
Also, when planning a full year do you suggest the typical schedule on the website? Trying to plan for this summer and up coming school year. Thanks again for all your help.
Regarding math facts, I can tell you what worked for us:
-www.xtramath.com – just simple online math drills. Work on this for 5 minutes each day
-Skip-counting songs – we use skip-counting songs from our co-op, but any will do. Listen to them often (in the car when traveling, as part of morning readings, etc.). My kids all learned the skip-counting songs before they even learned the concept of multiplication, so that when it came time to learn multiplication they had the facts in their heads already.
-Although I have not tried them personally, many people recommend Rapid Recall for math facts, and another popular one is the DVD Times Tales.
-Finally, for fun, Timez Attack is a computer game that specifically targets learning multiplication facts.
Right, if she simply needs more work on memorizing the facts, there are lots of games and activities (like those listed above) that could help. If, however, she doesn’t understand the concepts, then I would recommend you use some of the methods demonstrated in the CM math DVD to go back and make sure the ground is secured underneath her feet before moving on.
The typical schedule is a starting point. Tweak it to fit whatever you are using each term. For example, the typical schedule lists history and Bible every day. If you are doing the Genesis through Deuteronomy & Ancient Egypt study, for example, you would tweak that to Bible three days a week and history one day a week. If you were doing the Modern Times study, you would be doing history four days a week (world history for 2 days and American history for 2 days) and Bible one day a week. So don’t feel pressured to use that schedule exactly as is. It’s only a starting point.
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