Amount of daily reading for 10 yr. old

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum Planning Your CM Education Schedules Amount of daily reading for 10 yr. old

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  • Linabean

    Hi everyone,

    I tried searching for this on old posts, but could not find what I was looking for. It seems to me, that this topic has been covered before, though.

    How much indepentant reading, on average, should be expected of a 10 year old on a daily basis? I am thinking of amount of pages or chapters as well as how much time spent per day. I am trying to put together a schedule for her for next year (year 5) and I am trying to figure out how to assign all of the reading that will be required of her. Between all the supplemental reading for all of the different subjects, it looks like a lot. Plus there will be time spent with us on our family subjects and family read alouds as well. Not to mention the time she needs to spend on her other individual work (math, LLATL, art, typing, etc.). Oh, and I would say she is reading on grade level.

    Any input is appreciated.


    My son was 9yo this past school year (strong reader) and he read his Bible or devotion (short), one ch. of AO literature daily, and one ch. of SCM Module 6 history readers 3x/week.  We also have 1/2 hour of free reading before bed.  He sat in on family history, character, geography readings.  He also sat in on science readings, but will be independent w/that next year.  HTH some:)  Gina

    P.S.  If it feels like too much, I usually just alternate some things to be less times per week or add them to night time family or free reading time.


    I’m curious about this too.  My son is a little older (he’ll be 12 in Nov, going into 6th) but as this has been our first year home educating, I’ve been a little lax on assigning a lot of independent reading.  We’ve done a lot of read alouds and they have personal reading daily, but I’ve not assigned a whole lot other wise — maybe a chapter here and there to go with a science topic.

    For next year I am trying to aim at about 60 mins of reading per morning — this would cover approx 15-20 mins per day in one of the following: Bible/Devotions, Character, Literature, Science, History, Geography, Personal choice.  Can anyone think of anything I might be missing?  Does this sound reasonable? 

    Also, for my soon to be 3rd grader (8 in July) I am looking at about 30-45 mins.  Does that sound right?

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