Amount of books to schedule in the year?

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum Planning Your CM Education Schedules Amount of books to schedule in the year?

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  • How do you know how many books to schedule in each subject that  you need to get through the year? I saw the ones already done for us for the year for Module 1 but how do you know if you will need extra’s and do you get extra’s? What about other subjects for living books such as for science, math?, Literature, Poetry, Picture Study, Art, etc. to get through the year? I hope I explained that well enough.




    please someone answer this one–i need help here too



    on my kindle…. so xcuse me not bothering to do caps etc.

    i think the tendacy is to put in too much… i know i tend that way.  especially the first year.  look to the guide here foran idea of how much even if you dont do those books.  the first year pick out fewer….

    the planning your m education book does help wit this…. basicall for each boook you are thonking of doing figure out how many divisions or readings or lessons there are then divide by the number of weeks in the term or year and see how many times a week for that…. see if that is a good nymber of times a week.

    can give more info later if you want


    YES! That ia one of the most helpful things about the Planning Your CM Ed. for me was learning how to plan the amount of books needed by reading divisions! And you can always hit the library if you you feel you are running low at the end of your terms or year. The trick is choosing your starting books, the ones you REALLY want to read for that topic and then building from there if need be.

    so i think i just said what was said above, but i heartily agree 🙂


    I will admit that choosing the books, and knowing if I have too much or too little is the hardest part I find about doing the CM planning….  (and you will notice I did post a “is this too much?” post a couple of weeks ago.

    For my younger family…. for history I picked a spine, then added in 1 living book a term…. for world history that is.  I also had Canadian history (again a spine and a couple of living books…) and then a few historical fiction for the same term.  It ended up working out to about 4.2 or 4.3 readings a week for all of that….. I’d have prefered 4 a week, but was ok with 5 times a week.  I might take out a book or two as we go, if it seems I’ve estimated wrong.

    I did the same type of thing for science… we are doing living books, so I picked 1 per term… then figured out how often a week…..

    Please, if you are new to this…. go for LESS.  It is much better to do less than to overburden your kids.  You can always add more if your kids need more… or let them follow their own interests.  


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