Among the Farmyard People…Free Science Lessons

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    I just posted a free 18 week lesson plan to accompany Among the Farmyard People on my blog.


    I pray it can serve you in some way.  Let me know what you think.





    This looks wonderful, Melissa!!!  Thank you – I’m sure I’ll find a way to use this.  

    One thing that we’ve done with the Among the…series is to look the animal up on the internet.  If it’s a bird we look for pictures, then listen to calls, check out their nests, maybe do a coloring page or something.  Similar search with other animals.  Occassionally we’re able to find short videos on YouTube or Nat’l Geographic.



    Thank you for sharing your plans!  I read the Farmyard People book with my daughter last year.  I love how you correlated poetry and scripture with each chapter.  I may reread it with my son and use some of your suggestions.

    Question-  Do your children enjoy the Among… series?  I like them, but I find that my children prefer non-fiction books about animals, nature, science, etc.  My daughter LOVES a good story and can listen for hours (literally) to long books with no pictures, but she always seemed so impatient when I read or still do read from this series (we have them all).  Not long ago we checked out a children’s book about bears, very factual with photos, and she begged me to read the next chapter.  She was able to narrate accurately too.  Perhaps this question deserves it own thread…  The place of “just the facts, please” books in the Charlotte Mason classroom?



    It looks great!!!  The only additional thing I’d find helpful are the ISBN’s to the books to read.  That makes it easier to search I library system.  


    Thank you Melissa!  This looks perfect for my boys this coming yearSmile


    Thanks for your support and kind words!


    Jennifermason:  This is the first book we’ve read in the Among the….People series.  So far my kids are enjoying it, but we’re just starting week 5 tomorrow.  Often times, they are coloring or doing a quiet activity while I’m reading.  I’m not sure how old your kids are, but the two I’m using this with are age 6 (will be 7 in April) and age 8.  I purposely started with the “….Farmyard People” book because we are a rural family and live on a farm.  So our kids have experience with many of the animals in the story.  (LOL…We had a newborn calf in our schoool room a couple of weeks ago.  You can read about that here….  My point is, maybe it’s age or maybe it’s interest.  I’d go with whatever interests them.  


    Pollysoup: You can click on the book pictures at the top of the blog post and it will take you to Amazon, where you can get more information about each book required. As far as the suggested books, if you Google search (or whatever search engine you choose) by title and author, you should be able to find the book. Again, these are just suggested based on what we had on our homeschool shelves or were readily available in our local library system.  There’s no need to read them all unless your child is begging for more.  Feel free to substitute a book if there’s something you can’t locate.  Let me know if you have questions about a particular book.





    This looks great, Melissa. Thanks for sharing. I think I could use this next year with my 8 and 5 year olds and possibly make a class for our CM co-op out of it, too. 

    Thanks again,



    Wish my 2 were younger so that we could use this! ;( 

    It looks great!




    Thanks, Melissa. I will try it this summer with my 2.

    jennifermason – my ds7 loves non-fiction science books, too. Sometimes he’ll listen to read alouds of animal stories, but he prefers to sit with a good non-fiction science book and stare at the photos and soak in the facts. I think it depends on the child.


    Thank you, Melissa!  This looks wonderful.  We’re going to do this as soon as we finish Outdoor Secrets. Thank you for doing the legwork on this and sharing it with the rest of us.



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