American History Stories (Pratt) compared to Stories of America?

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum CM Specifics History American History Stories (Pratt) compared to Stories of America?

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  • swelb21

    Does anybody know what the differences between the two would be?  I know Pratt’s is free:) …anybody who has used either or both and could give some insight (enjoyed or not, pros/cons) would be appreciated! Thank you!



    Sonya Shafer

    It might be easiest to download the sample of Stories of America so you can read some of the chapters and see the Contents page. Then you can read some of the chapters of Pratt’s (since it is available free online) and look at its Contents too to compare. That would give you a good feel for which one your children would relate to best at their ages and which one would fit your plan best.


    Thanks, that is helpful–good thought!

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