American History / Social Studies

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  • Christine Kaiser

    I need to pick your brains what you do for American History/Social Studies. I know in the SCM curriculum it is not listed other then in the modules but I feel bad by just skipping on these classes in years we are doing other modules? We did last year the EA History from Beautiful Feet and loved it. Is there anything else like that out there just covering different time periods or going more in depth? Also, how about all these things like learning the presidents, and civics? Just wonder if I missed something? My children will be 3rd and 4th next year. 

    Thank you Christine Smile


    Following 🙂 DD 8yo is homeschool & almost 5yo DD that I’d like to include more this year. If all goes well, perhaps we’ll also have my step-daughters too… 9yo & 7yo.

    Christine Kaiser

    So I did a lot of research and it looks like after finishing the EA History Beautiful Feet Guide there is not much left to do! It covers more or less everything they need to know in elementary age. So we just kick back an relax an on that subject this year:) Someone recommended “Praire Primer” to me. It is based on the “Little House” series and looks really good! It covers a wide span besides the historical facts like character, crafts, nature study etc. On my list for next year. This is recommended grades 3-6.


    @elsnow6 look into the EA History from Beautiful Feet. It uses a lot D’Aulaire books and other great books. It’s recommended K-3rd. May be a great for for you 🙂

    Joshua Berg

    Hi ChristineAZ! I’m so happy you enjoyed the Early American study! To answer your question, as your students get older our studies will go into more detail in terms of content, and we also offer studies covering a variety of subjects including: Ancient, Medieval, modern US, science, geography, classical music, California, Western Expansion, etc. If you are looking to continue history for this year and next I’d recommend taking a look at our Get Started page. You can see a chart there outlining all the studies we have for K-12. You can see the page here: Please let us know if you have any questions!


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