American History cycle

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  • kara

    If I am using Joshua through Malachi and ancient greece next year, when do I ever get to american history?  By the end of May we will be done with gen through Deuteronomy, and my girls are 1st grade and pk.  My first grader loved it, especially exodus.  However, when will they ever study american history, presidents, current events, columbus etc.  Is there a good charlotte mason history curriculum that anyone knows about and how does it flow chronologically?

    THanks so much!


    I don’t think American history is covered for a few years after that.  This next year we are starting Module 1 with my 1st and 2nd grader.  I am adding in some American books on the side, like Benjamin Franklin by D’aulaire.  There are so many good American books for the younger grades, that I’d hate to miss them.


    If you continue with the SCM modules, then you will hit American history in Modules 5 and 6 (where it fits chronologically in the big picture of world history).  If you were looking to do a full study of US history now, I know there are programs that focus on just American history…but I don’t know much about those so hopefully someone who has will chime in.  Another idea if you want to continue with the SCM modules but add in more US history is to add in some readings here and there – such as around some of the American holidays, or include historical fiction books among your read-aloud literature selections, or using audio books/dramas during non-school times.  This last approach is what I am considering doing (we are doing a gentle K year this year and will start Module 1 next year) – I like the way the SCM modules are set up better than anything else I’ve seen and really want to have the solid Bible+World history and geography from the beginning, but because we are overseas missionaries living outside of the US I also feel the need to be intentional about exposing my kids to their American heritage.

    Just a few thoughts for you!


    Rachel White

    Truthquest History (TQ) is a CM history program. However, it’s not structured SCM’s guides in that it doesn’t tell you when to do things. It provides a commentary from a Providential perspective and provides a chronological listng of subjects (Leif Erickkson,  Columbus, etc) with book recommendations underneath and the grades it would be enjoyed by.

    It begins with American History for grades 1-5, then cycling through the rest of history 2x. There are 3 AH books.

    IMO, the best AH book to read aloud first at this age is Stories of Great Americans for Little Americans by Edward Eggleston. It’s found free at Baldwin.

     American History Stories Vol. 1-4 are wonderful, overview books (more specific than Egglestons, a good second exposure that you can purchase in audio form here. The books are available from Yesterday’s Classics from YC or Amazon or free online at Baldwin books.

    There are so many great AH books for young readers to instill a love of country and exposing them to the phenomenal characters of our history.

    HTH, Rachel

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