As we have begun with American history this year, I have noticed that This Country of Ours has more stories of certain people and events than Stories of America vol 1. Should I try to include TCOO’s stories or just do SCM’s Stories of America? I actually prefer to keep things simple and not do all of TCOO. But I feel guilty that I am leaving out some things.
I would definitely just do Stories of America, for school time. I “might” consider reading TCOO at bedtime or another time during the day, if I just wanted to read something else.
I don’t want to muddle things up for you, as I know these decisions can weigh on us homeschool moms. But my question would be, how old are your kids? Maybe I can look that up in another post…
My son is 12. My girls are 8, 5, 2. Obviously my younger kids could not sit through all of it, but I like to read aloud our history lessons for the older ones before they narrate. I usually give my son extra independent reading that correlates to our topic throughout the week.
So I guess it is ok to not push TCOO then? I really like the book, but maybe I can include it later or for just independent reading time.
My ds11 read TCOO independently with Ambleside last year. He liked it pretty well. I think it’s amazing compared to what I grew up with! I’m off to check out the other book you’ve been talking about. I’m curious how it reads.
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