What are your current recommendations for government and economics in high school? Things have changed so much, i was hoping for a fresh conversation.
Just FYI, We are following SCM history modern times.
The government and economics will be used by my tenth-grade son and eventually younger children, but I’m going to offer them as an option to my older children also. Their government studies were mostly incorporated into our history studies or Uncle Eric books with an occasional rabbit trail, although they self-study now that they’ve graduated.
We are doing a mix of things. We did the first 6 units of the Notgrass Government book. Then a few Uncle Eric books. As a family, we did a brief overview book of the branches of American Government. Then I have continued to choose books from various lists, such as A Gentle Feast and Heart of Dakota. We also did a dvd series on the Presidents which I counted as both history and government.
Here is the list I compiled:
How the U.S. Government Works, by Syl Sobel
Notgrass Government, units 1-6
Whatever Happened to Penny Candy?
The Invisible Heart. (economics novel)
Are You Liberal, Conservative, or Confused?
The History Channel dvd series: The Presidents
2 books from the Notgrass Government suggested literature: Born Again and God and Ronald Reagan
The Money Mystery
Money Matters for Teens
We’ve done most of these so far, spread out. When we finish, I will add in a few more economics resources.
Wow, that course looks fantastic! Thank you very much for recommending it. It looks like something the whole older 2/3 of the family can do together. I am currently on the hunt for it used. Did you also use the workbook?
What a great list! Thank you very much! You piece things together like we do. Ha ha!
We have used the same Uncle Eric books as you. I’ve already hunted down a few of the others, thanks to your recommendations. I really like the concept of spreading them out over their education instead of having, say, a term of government and letting it go after that. Thank you for taking the time to compile this list for us! Many blessings to you!
Thank you very much for this response! We have done the Uncle Eric books with all of my older children, so it’s great to hear of others relying on them as well. Reassuring! And I’m currently hunting down Constitutional Literacy used so all my older kids and Daddy and I can do it together. Did you use the workbook as well? Checking out PragerU today as well! Thank you for taking the time to help us out.