Definitely check out resources at The National Center for Constitutional Studies:
the “5000 Year Leap” has gotten great reviews. It could even be done as a family; my husband and I are going to do it.
Along the same line is a Co. called Liberty Books. They sell books of first hand writings and books from our Founders. You can get books about our Founding Documents that were written at the time and shortly after. I have John Adams “Thoughts on Government” from the 1770’s, from which the Consitutional Convention drew it’s ideas of three branches, among other things. I highly recommend the reading og first-hand, primary documents, creading for one-self instead of letting so-called scholars tell you what the Founders meant; you can read it in their words. Look under ‘Books’ and ‘American FOunding and Constitution’ and ‘American History’;
A personal read that I have read that I recommend to everyone I can on the view of Freedom, not a specific book on the structure of our Gov., just on History without our form of gov., how unique it was in the history of this earth. She wrote it very close to WW 2, either during or right after, I can’t remember on the effects of centralized Gov. throughout History. It’s by Laura inglass Wilder’s journalist dd; she is considered to be one of the”mothers” of the Libertarian movement, along w/ Ayn Rand of “Atlas Shrugged” Fame’:
Speaking of which; how about having him read “Atlas Shrugged” and “1984”? Those would be ideal literature to coincide with a study of American Government (basicly of how we’re not to be).
Another I recently heard about is “Basic American Government” by Clarence Carson. It was recommended by Michelle Miller of Truthquest History and looks very promising. Anyone used it?
There’s a new materials out by Micheal Farris of HSLDA:
The History of Religious Liberty
Constitutional Literacy w/DVDs
Constitutional Law for Enlightened Citizens
Also, go look at Ambleside Online’s suggestions through the h/s years.
@Heather-I have Carson’s Gov. book, too. Got it for $.89! I have his American History series I plan on using in high school; and I plan on getting his economics book, too.
Even if I don’t use all of them in their entirety, I can use parts of them.
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