Are these books any good? A friend from church recently gave us a set of these books. I don’t know anything about them…lots of girls at church have the dolls but we don’t own any. Are the girls in the books sweet, innocent, and do they show Christian character. We have the Samantha ones…and from reading the first chapter I am not sure that I like them but I may be too critical and then throw out the whole series.
So what are your thoughts about this series?
I could use your guy’s expertise in the area of reading books for young girls. My daughter is 6 and read the first chapter fairly easily of the Samantha book. So what are some good series and readers for girls?
I have allowed my daughter, who is almost 9, to read the American Girl books, but they are for her own free reading.
We have used the Sisters in Time series for historical fiction. They are Christian and historically accurate. We have enjoyed reading one about the trip on the Mayflower and during the start of the Revolutionary War. You can read more about them on
I read them growing up but I think they would be more along the lines of entertainment reading. Recently I discovered a Christian version of those books though if you are interested in looking into it.
Yup!!! And keep your eye on the site for sales. Sometimes you can get the dolls for like $30 and books for like $4 I think. They used to have movies too if I remember correctly. My friends daughter is 10 and she loves them!!!
Hi y’all. I’m refreshing this thread because I’m interested if anyone has looked into the “A Life of Faith” series or the “Sisters in Time” series yet? Any thoughts or observations to share? Thanks 😀
My 12 year old daughter love all 3 series mentioned here. I think that American Girl is good, but in my opinion, they are not written from a christian perspective, but they are good. If you want something written from a christian perspective, then go with “A Life of Faith” or “Sisters in Time.” Hope this helps.
We have read several Sisters in Time and my almost 9yo DD loved them! We use them as our historical fiction books that we read together.
She started one of the Life of Faith books, but she found it confusing to keep all the family members straight. We’ll probably revisit them this school year.
We treat American Girl books as free reading. She reads them in about 1/2 hour to 45 minutes during our household “quiet time.” I let her because I like to read fluff books from time to time as well. I like to get the World books, too. (We have Kirsten’s World 1854 right now because it kind of goes along with our Little House unit). They explain a lot about the time period of the girl.
I guess what I’m trying to find out if the S.I.T. and A.L.O.F. books are well written or not (I can’t find any previews online).
On another note, American Girl (which is a subsidiary of Mattel) donates large amounts of money to Girls Inc., a social empowerment program for girls in which homosexuality and abortion are presented as accepted social alternatives. I know this probably isn’t shocking news (it’s the world after all) but I thought I’d let y’all know just in case you don’t want to be inadvertently supporting things that are opposed to your values.
I suggest you check them out at the library to see what your opinion of them is. That’s what I did. We all have different views on what we deem “well-written.” My main concern with the Sisters in Time series was whether they were historically accurate and from a Christian perspective. They fit the criteria for me.
My DD reads AG books. I think they are good for free reading and some general understanding of historical times. The Kit series/DVD gave her an idea of life when her grandma’s were about her age.
Rachel, I did want to mention that while AG was associated with Girls, Inc., as you wrote, they have since severed their ties with this company. It was important to me to check into before I allowed DD to get involved.
I am also looking forward to getting some of the books/series mentioned above for her; also “Always Trouble Somewhere” series looks interesting.