Ambleside Online (AO) question., w/ making it work for multiple grades….

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  • kellywright006

    Hi Everyone:

    For a long time I have been confused how to make AO work. I am schooling 5 grades this year. Do you put each child int there resepective year. SO, I would have 5 different children learning 5 different time periods? Or is there a way to incorporate family learning w/ AO? It seems like they have things so nicely laid out and easy to figure out if you have 1 or 2 children. It seems difficult to implement w/ various ages and grades?
    Does anyone have experience doing AO w/ several different grades?

    Thanks for listening,

    Kelly Wright


    Hi again Kelly!

    I don’t have experience working with several grades in AO but I did use it for one year with my daughter and I pull from their book lists often.

    Each child has his/her own year in history, science, religious readings and literature. The children are combined during the “riches”-Plutarch, Shakespeare, picture study, etc.

    Most students coming to AO for the first time start at least 1 year behind their AO years. AO uses pretty advanced books so it might be a bit of a leap if students are used to such difficult readings. My daughter used year 6 when she was in 7th grade and it was a perfect fit.


    The short answer is that no, AO really isn’t designed to be able to use with the whole family reading the same books.  The best way to do it is to have each child in their own, age appropriate, year for history, science, and most literature, and then as Melanie said, combine for things like Shakespeare, artist study, composer study, and things like that.

    The books are chosen to be appropriate for the age/grade that they are used with, and it would take quite a bit of modification to combine everyone.  So, for example, the year 4 books would be difficult, and have some content not as appropriate for a 6 year old.  Year 1 books would not challenge a child ready for year 4.  If you have 2 children quite close in age and/or ability, you might be able to combine them into one year, but many people have found even that to be difficult.

    I know some people have combined major portions of years 1, 2, and 3, which are the years that your children would most likely need you to be reading most of their books aloud.  Then, they separate the students into their own material in year 4, when they are capable of reading many book independently.  This would mean that one student might do year 2, 3, and then 1, so the jump to year 4 might be a bit awkward, but it might be possible.

    The only other way I’ve heard to combine somewhat is to use one lower level year and one higher level year that deal with the same time period.  So, years 2 and 7, years 3 and 8, etc. have similar time periods.  The students would be reading different books, but you could have family discussions about similar topics.




    You might get more ideas on the AO forum.  When I asked about it years ago they were very against combining kids, very negative about using anything other than pure AO.  It may have changed by now!  That was a number of years ago.  We didn’t go with AO for this reason.  Combining is a life saver for me.


    On the AO Discussion Forum, there is a group titled Large Family Dynamics. Within that group, there is subgroup titled Combining Multiple Curriculum Years.  That’s where this topic would be discussed and support/ideas offered.

    I believe their idea of Large Family is 4 children or more.



    We don’t use AO, but I really enjoyed reading this post on combining some of the levels:

    I am really drawn to Memoria Press for my older DC and plan on doing something similar with their materials for the middle grades.  I’ve picked some subjects to cover as a family and some to keep as individual studies.

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