am I scheduling too much for 7th grade?

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum Planning Your CM Education am I scheduling too much for 7th grade?


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  • caedmyn

    I’m wondering if I’ve scheduled too much for my 7th grader this year.  When I schedule it out by day it doesn’t seem like too much provided she doesn’t mess around too much (she’s a chronic daydreamer), but when I look at the whole plan for the year, it seems like there are so many categories, some with multiple resources to use (ie 1 per term, or the spine + go-alongs).  It just feels like a lot and I’m wondering if I shouldn’t somehow make it…less.  I also have a 4th grader, 2nd grader, K’er, 2 YO, and newborn.

    Here’s what I have planned for her:

    Bible: (daily Bible reading & memory work, 1 devotional + 2 other books)

    Writing: Jump In!
    Spelling: Megawords 5&6

    History: state history + 1 go-along (2 terms), civics/government (1 term), basic economics (Penny Candy + another book by that author)

    Geography: (Mapping the World w/Art + Book of Marvels The Occident)

    Science: (Explore the World of Physics, Bite-size Physics, Instant Egghead Guide to Physics + 7 go-alongs)

    Math: Teaching Textbooks 7

    Drawing: Art with a Purpose 6

    Foreign Language: Greek/Latin roots, Getting Started with Spanish

    Poetry: Poetry for Young People Tennyson

    Literature: 5-6 books to read and discuss

    Music: piano lessons

    Handiwork: free choice

    Electives: (Typing-daily, current events–1 term, The Fallacy Detective–1 term, Health–1 term)

    Free Reading: 20ish books


    Also we will do somethings as a family in morning time which takes around 30 mins/day: daily devotions, hymns, poetry, picture study, composer study, Vocabulary Cartoons, Yo Sacramento! to memorize states & capitals, ASL, and some personal-growth type stuff.

    Does that sound like too much?



    It’s really hard to say if it’s too much for her or for you. Families are all so different! For my family, it would be too much, mostly because you have listed multiple resources for some subjects. I understand if you are only using one resource at a time and need multiple things to get through the year, but juggling all those things at the same time would be too much at my house. I would be more inclined to pick one curriculum per subject and then add on later if you want to, rather than doing it all at once. Again, that’s just me, and I hope I haven’t misunderstood how you are using these things. Just my two cents! You know your child best.


    That would be too much for my 7th grader, although I think it would be more helpful for me to see a sample daily schedule.  My 7th grader, though, is not an enthusiastic reader and doesn’t like what he would consider time wasters (art and handiwork, specifically).

    That said, that may resemble a schedule for my 4th grader in a few years.  She loves to read, loves to create, and is more “studious”.


    Her tentative Term 1 daily schedule w/estimated times for each subject is:

    Morning Time w/family (30 mins)
    Teaching Textbooks (45 mins)
    Bible reading & memory work (15 mins)
    Devotional (10 mins)
    Jump In! OR Bite-size Physics (30 mins)
    State history OR Uncle Eric book OR Mapping the World w/Art (20 mins)
    Getting Started w/Spanish (10 mins)
    History/Science/Geography go-along (1 per day, 20 mins)
    Free reading OR Literature (30 mins)
    Typing (15 mins)
    Flashcards (5 mins)

    She’s not particularly studious but she does love to read.  I don’t schedule handicrafts, she can just do them when she wants.  She’ll do art during morning time.

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