Am I Planning This Right?

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  • amandajhilburn

    We will end up studying through the American Revolution by mostly reading biographies and all the books that our library had from the Early Modern module 5. I am planning to do module 6 beginning in August, but I was not planning on finding a spine since the Greenleaf spine is not available yet. However, I think it would make it easier on us all to read a spine and maybe some of the 1-3 grade books together and then assign books for my kids to read on their own also. So….I am looking at America First, the volumes by Mara Pratt, or something else?? How do you decide which one to use and would it really help add to our history studies that much? We just read through books together this year since my 2 were in 2nd and 3rd grades, but I really want them to read some on their own next year. Oh….I also have the TruthQuest guide for this time period so that I can choose some extra books if I need to. However, all these choices (SCM, Spines, TQ books, Library books) make me a little frazzled! Would a good spine and the SCM books for each child according to grade level be enough without adding TQ? That would be easier for me, but is it going to last all year if we do history 3 days a week?

    I feel that I am rambling so I will hush now LOL!!



    I have been using Memoria Press’ versions of the Famous Men series, mainly because I prefer the layout of the stories and the color pictures. Anyway, they have released their version of Famous Men of Modern Times . You can also get this on google books here. The Greenleaf and Memoria versions are pretty much the same with minor editing details. Perhaps that will help, since I think Sonya plans to continue the Famous Men series in Modules 5 & 6.

    We have use Mara Pratt’s series,too, and we’ve liked it. We listen to the audio by Jim Hodges just for fun.

    HTH and doesn’t make things more muddled.

    ~ Christie


    The Greenleaf press guide is out, it’s titled Famous Men of the 16th and 17th Century, I saw it in my latest CBD catalog.  HTH


    This Greenleaf Book,  Famous Men of the 16th and 17th Century, is not the same book as the Famous Men of Modern Times book. It is a book of different biographies altogether. If you want the Module 5 & 6 American history book, you’ll need either the google books or Memoria Press version.




    Oh, I’ve used SCM Module 3 this year with the Famous Men of Rome and the recommended additional books from the handbook and it has been plenty. I’ve thought of getting the Truthquest guides that look great, but the Lord has impressed me to simplify greatly over the past year and he has blessed my efforts in that regard. I know others who add lots and it works for them, but I suggest praying over it and trusting the Lord’s guidance.




    oh, I know that Famous Men of the 16th and 17th Century is NOT the same book as Famous Men of Modern Times, I just mentioned it as a possible spine because when I looked at the TOC it does have some of the people in it that are mentioned in Module 5, like Queen Elizabeth for example and William Shakespeare.  I’m sorry if I caused confusion.






    No confusion…:) I have decided that I think I will use America First as a spine (can read it online for free if I choose) and the SCM module 6 books for my children to read for themselves. I am going to keep the Truth Quest guide for help if they really get interested in something and I need more ideas, but I am not going to try and follow the TQ guide. I think it is just my personality, but there is just too much in TQ and it makes me nervous…LOL  I need simple, easy to read instructions or I get a little freaked out.



    I think that is a fabulous decision!!!  Also wanted to say that I didn’t realize that you were going to be doing Module 6 and not 5.


    Des, when I saw the Greenleaf book, originally, i thought it was the same as Famous Men of Modern Times,  so I just wanted to make sure that others knew there was a difference. 

    Amanda, I think you have a great plan and I’m right there with you re. your feelings toward the TQ guide! Great, but I, too, need simplicity.



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