Am I doing enough??

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  • my3boys

    So, we’re into our first year CM style only and am looking for an outsiders perspective of our schedule/lessons.

    We have been schooling since the middle of Aug., I have 3 boys (11, 8, 4, almost 5).  And, this is our 5th year homeschooling, but first with only CM.  So, I’ll just start in with my oldest and let you all give your honest opinions:)

    My oldest:

    History Module 5/BOC (really enjoying the booklist and we take turn with reading aloud the books and him reading independently, he narrates about 1x a day or 3x’s a week)

    106 Days of Creation for Science. He is biting at the bit to start Jeannie Fulbrights Flying Creatures or Astronomy and as soon as we are finished with 106 Days he’s start the other (probably next semester), he enjoys outdoor time and some nature study

    For Literature we are following the SCM guide (or other booklist for non-twaddly books) or he chooses from what I offer (we have alot of books to choose from or we hit the library). He really enjoys reading and reads at least an hour a day.

    For Math he uses Saxon and Math Mammoth (approx. 4 days a week) mostly independently except for new concept then I do the lesson and he’s off.  If he misses too many problems we address those asap.

    For Bible/Character we are reading Wisdom and the Millers, Bible books listed on SCM History Module 5, Scripture Memory, Independent Devotional book for boys.  He usually reads a devotional in the morning privately, then at some point in the day we read our Bible or Miller book (I alternate them throughout the week).  We do Scripture Memory at the dinner table with Dad:)

    JAG for Grammar (he loves it) 2-3 days a week. We are taking a break from Spelling Wisdom because he wanted to concentrate on grammar, otherwise he really likes it, too, and uses it for copywork.  His spelling always needs to be worked on so he started copywork again, as well as using a Book of Mottoes.

    He is a high-level belt in karate, enjoys pottery, ASL, and sports (will start Upwards basketball in Jan). 

    We also do some poetry study, composer study and picture study and he has enjoyed all of what we have done. We have yet to incorporate Hymn Study, I have resources just haven’t gotten there yet:)

    We usually begin “school” around 8:30ish (he usually starts sooner than that, but I don’t require it) and end around 2pm and that includes lunch and several breaks for outdoor time.

    He also mows our lawn, volunteers at karate, does some of his own laundry and helps with the 4 yo when I need to do guided work with my 8yo.

    I so appreciate any all comments….

    I do have an 8yo I would love an outsiders perspective from but I have to go pick up my 11 yo, plus I’m sure this is enough for all of you to read for now.

    Thanks in advance…my3boys




    It is sounding pretty good to me!


    Any handicrafts?


    Handicrafts??  Could you give me a description of what that would be:)

    He takes a pottery/clay class 1x per week for 1 1/2 hours and has made several pieces that we use (ice cream bowls, coffee mugs, spoon rests, pencil holders, ooohh, and he made a very nice set for himself with his name stamped inside the bowl and outside the mug, really nice).

    I have thought that other than this class he doesn’t really do “handicrafts”.  I am sooo not crafty, but my husband is very hands on so my son does “work” with him at times, but I’m not sure that any of those tasks qualify for handicrafts.  I’ll have to think on that one, unless you (or anyone else) has a suggestion:)

    Thank you for your quick response, btw:)

    Sara B.

    Try this page for handicraft ideas:

    BTW, my girls LOVE science, and although they are only in 1st and 2nd grades, we actually do 106 Days of Creation plus living books.  Right now we are doing both the Burgess Bird Book and Outdoor Secrets.  I forget what’s next on my list, but that’s why it’s written down.  LOL

    Also, I must say, you have given me a GREAT idea in scheduling school vs. chore/play time.  Right now my kids are struggling to keep attention.  We start school at 9am, break for lunch at 12pm, then come back and finish up any remaining work, which lately has been taking until 2 or even 3pm.  8-/  Not good…  Toddler doesn’t help things…  LOL  But if I break it up, maybe they will hold attention better.  Will have to think more on this.


    I actually thought I had mentioned the Pottery class in my list of subjects above, but looking back I see I had forgotten that. 

    @ Sara B., how do you like Outdoor Secrets?? I have been wanting to get that so bad, but waiting til I have more funds (or can justify the purchase, we have accumulated alot of books these past months, so I’m just waiting it out for now:)

    My other question has more to do with my concern about the amount of time we spend on each subject…

    When we first started incorporating the “short lesson” style I was thrilled (still am, actually), but I guess at some point that can make you feel like you’re not doing enough….have any of you ever felt that way??  Even though you are doing a number of subjects, the amount of time on each can make it seem/feel like it’s not quite enough, kwim??

    Oh, I forgot about Geography….we have read Tree in the Trail, used Geography Songs and currently are studying Australia using maps/map drills as well as reading from Sailing Alone Around the World (I believe that’s the title) one day per week.  I always have a globe on the living room floor and maps to look at when the mood strikes:)  Have thought about adding a more indepth Geography study for him and have purchased Map Trek, but not sure about that at this point. I wanted to read through the Holling C. Holling books while he’s still young and enjoys being read to by his mom:)

    I guess that’s enough for now.  Thanks to those who have responded so far, I truly appreciate it:)


    Yes, I would consider the pottery class a perfect handicraft, especially as you are using his works!

    Sounds like you have the bases pretty covered… only other subject that crosses my mind is a Foreign Language?  (totally optional, but pretty recommended in CM circles….)

    Sounds like you are doing lots, and sounds like you are having a good time if it doesn’t feel somehow like enough!


    Thanks for responding, seriously speaking, it helps to have someone give their thought on what we have going on occasionally:)

    He does take an American Sign Language (ASL) class 1 day per week through our homeschool co-op.  I’m sort of the co-teacher for the class (really crowd control) so I am basically taking the class with him.  We try to practice together at home or finger spell as we’re driving around town.  We try to teach my two younger boys signs throughout the week just for fun; my 4yo knows the alphabet, his name, please, thank you, water, milk, etc. and uses them throughout the day. 

    This language was his choice, he took it last year through the co-op so this is his second year and he still enjoys it. Last year’s class was taught through dvd’s and end of the year fluent teacher, but he still picked up on it pretty well and I was in the class with him as well.  This year we have 2 live fluent teachers, yippee, and they are doing a fantastic job. 

    Anyway…thanks so much for your help:)


    @Sara B., I have no idea what I wrote that gave you a GREAT idea, but I’m glad I did:) 

    Thank you for your input as well:)

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