Alternatives to Apologias General Science

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  • 4myboys

    I see that apologia’s General Science is highly recommended for seventh grade, and we will most likely go that route next year, but I was wondering what others might recommend as alternatives.  

    blue j

    Here is a site that lists living books for various jr/sr. high sciences: – scroll down about half way

    Here’s a site that gives helpful tips on how to pull your own items together:

    At Home Science: Books, Tips, and Resources for Teaching Science at Home

    And to pull that together should you desire, go to Apologia’s site and look at the table of contents to see what is covered. 🙂

    Hope that helps.




    Our children have enjoyed the Master’s Books during that type study. The Astronomy Book, Geology, etc.


    Thanks, ladies.  Anyone have any other suggestions?


    I noticed Considering God’s Creation goes to 7th.  I just ordered it for next year…my oldest will be in 6th.  I’m thinking of spending two years on it and adding in some living science books.  I’m hoping to be a bit more relaxed with science so we can have more time for nature study.

    Noeo looks really nice too!  We’ve spent so much time on biology–I think it’d be great to study physics and chemistry!


    I’m having fun checking out Ellen McHenry’s materials.  We’re about to start on the Elements. The recommended age is 8-13.  I have two teenagers who are just finishing General Science, but I think they’ll join in with this as a pre-chemistry course.  It looks like fun, and yet meaty.  


    We tried Considering God’s Creation before moving on to Apologia’s Young explorers series, which we like, but the boys get kind of tired of learning about the same thing for so long. We are doing Swimming Creatures now and we probably will not do every chapter but pick and choose what we would like to learn about between now and mid June. I don’t think we’ll bother carrying it over to next year. As I said, we will probably stick with Apologia General Science for next year, but I’d like to look at some other options. I may not do anything formal with my younger son who will be in 4th next year ,but just allow him to pick his own topics and do nature study. I kind of wish I’d done that the last two years, but as they say, hind sight is 20/20.


    Answers in Genesis has high school science – it’s by Gary Parker.  There is another one called Science Shepherd.  I know nothing about either of these choices.  Also, Heart of Dakota does not use curricula but living books for science.  You might check out their book choices.


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