Alternative to Cowboy Sam and Dan Frontier for girls?

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  • Polly

    Are there any books like Cowboy Sam and Dan Frontier for girls other than Dick and Jane?




    We have been reading through the Ginn readers. They can be found on amazon for relatively cheap. When we finished reading Dick and Jane we began to transition into them. It worked really well. They go up to 6th grade. They have been wonderful for us. There are many of them so you should find a list of them to figure out which books go with what grades and in what order. Both my oldest daughter and son are loving the stories. In the back of the books there is an index that shows what new words each page has. The following stories continue these same words so that the children learn them in a fun way.


    CW Anderson (Billy and Blaze) wrote a few books with girls as main characters.


    Just bumping this to see if there were more suggestions?  Our library doesn’t have any more CW Anderson books besides the Billy and Blaze series.  They have two of the Ginn readers so I’ve ordered those.  My daughter is enjoying listening to her brother read Dan Frontier books, but I know she would like books geared more towards girls.  She does like Billy and Blaze books too.  She isn’t ready at all for Misty of Chincoteague, or Black Beauty, etc.  I’m more looking for beginning readers that aren’t too fluffy.  We’ve read all of Frog and Toad, way too much Dora, etc.  Thanks! 


    My daughter loves the Kaya, Felicity,and Kirsten stories from american girl. She also likes the Mandie series, and Grandma’s Attic series.  She loves Amelia Bedelia, Courage of Sarah Noble, Sarah Plain and Tall, Skylark, anything Cynthia Rylant, but especially Mr. Putter and Tabby. Also,when she first started reading she LOVED the God is Good series from Rod and Staff, oh and she LOVED Golly Sisters, and Golly Sisters ride again they are about two sisters going west and they are really funny! She like the LIttle House Chapter books, not the orginals, she wasnt old enough then to read them, and there is also the Little House animals book. My daughter loves the pioneer time frame and so she devours as much as she can get during that time period. Actually all my children do, she really enjoys Indian stories as well. Hope that helps. Let me know if I was too confusing or if you need and author!

    Im looking for boy books for my 7yr old he needs begging small chapter books, and he would love some series too! Smile



    Thanks ebcsmom!  We have read most/if not all of Henry and Mudge, so I’ll look into the Mr. Putter books.  As for boy series, there are some great posts about books for boys if you type that in, or beginner readers, etc.  My son is really enjoying all the Dan Frontier, he also really enjoys Nate the Great (which are pretty good books as far as questionable content, the worst thing so far is that he calls one girl strange in each book).  Arnold Lobel has more books besides Frog and Toad that were great as well.  I also liked using Sonya’s suggestion to use the bookfinder, you just use Lesiure Reading and type in the age level you want to find, I found great suggestions there.  I’ll take mor suggestions too from anyone about girl books:)  Thanks

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