Alternative to Analytical Grammar

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum CM Specifics English & Grammar Alternative to Analytical Grammar

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  • I wanted to add that I don’t want to discourage anyone who is thinking of using AG! It is definitely a thorough and good program, just not a good fit for us.

    In our 11th year of homeschooling, I’ve seen so many times that something can look wonderful in the samples and even once you get the books, but until you try it with your children, you won’t know if it’s the right fit. 

    Thanks for the suggestions about Woe is I and Eats, Shoots and Leaves. We love those books and I think it would be great to read them each year. I especially loved ES and L…I never laughed so hard. What a great, well written book that makes grammar fun.




    I wanted to mention one more grammar program that I have personally seen “in real life” – the Critical Thinking Company’s Editor in Chief.  I linked to the high school version.   I have the very first book in the series – it is all examples of writing – essays, letters, articles, with errors that you find and correct.  The student is put in the role of an editor.  I think there are samples on their site.

    Rachel White

    May I also suggest a free resource called GrammarLand, for ages 9+

    Another item that may be of use to you as a supplementary item:


    I found this yesterday and wondered if anyone’s seen/used it.

    It’s called Fix It! Grammar and Editing Made Easy with Classics from IEW


    I had high hopes for Fix-it due to loving the concept of editing. We purchased it a couple years ago and tried it. It was too parent intensive for us and a bit confusing to my 13 yo ds at the time. However, we did not use IEW which may have put us at a disadvantage.

    That’s good to know, Heather. We have not used IEW either, so I was wondering about that.

    From the sound of it, I thought you could hand it to the child and let them do it.




    If my memory serves me right, what made it teacher intensive was the correcting of grammar errors when dc rewrote sentences, explaining the “why” of an editing procedure, and using IEW terms & concepts. However, this may not be a problem for you. It was just more than what we were looking for in a program. I’m sure there are many who love it. Again, the concept imo is awesome. There is a sample found on IEW website If you read the 2nd page down on the pdf, you’ll find the “teaching procedures” which may help clarify.

    Blessings in Christ! ~ Heather

    Hi GEM,

    Looking through my son’s high school level Queen’s book…

    It includes picture study, oral narration, dictation, poetry, light grammar, and punctuation (focused mostly on quoting during the writing process), creative writing which includes sentence review, paragraph review. character building in writing, plot developing, editing, etc…  

    The main difference between the high school books and the elementary/middle grade books is the high school books have a heavy emphasis on writing. The grammar is light, whereas the grammar is much more focused on in the younger books.

    One disclaimer…diagramming sentences is not included in these books. I was not desiring it, so this is a non-issue for me.

    I am actually very pleased. I thought I would need some sort of writing program to add to this for high school but absolutely do not as the Queen’s book covers writing beautifully. All we add is Spelling Wisdom twice a week (LOVE this!!!!) and literature study.

    I am a very, very happy Queen’s Language Lessons user.







    Thanks for the info, Nedra.  I have nothing but good things to say about our Queen’s Language Lessons books as well.  

    blue j

    Another nod to OMT.  Our girls really enjoy Our Mother Tongue.  They have said that they like this so much better than any other program we have used because they actually understand why/how English works much better.  If you have specific questions about this program, ask, and I’ll do my best to answer them.

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