Alternative ideas for 10/31

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  • nebby

    I don’t want to get into a debate about what we celebrate and why but I am looking for ideas on places we can go on 10/31 that won’t be overwhelmed with Halloween-y things and other people. We are getting together with another family and between us will have 11 kids ages 1-15. Both our neighborhoods make a big deal about Halloween so we’d like to try and go somewhere but don’t have a lot of ideas.



    corn maze? harvest party? have your own cider, bob for apples, have a scavenger hunt?  arrange for a hayride? campfire and hotdogs/whatever to cook over the fire?

    Those are off the top of my head.


    S’mores (along with the campfire & hotdogs) or caramel apples?  Dress up in non-scary costumes?  We had a nice pumpkin patch near us when we lived in NE that didn’t put up scary decorations…although I’m not sure if those places would be open on the 31st.


    My priblem is the where since we don’t really want to be at either of our houses. Oh and we are in New Englamd so it could be cold.


    Oh.   Is there a church having a harvest party or harvest festival you could attend?

    That makes it difficult!  How about renting a gym? or community center?  Maybe that’d be too much money.


    Hmmm….perhaps go out to dinner or see a movie?  It’s hard.  Last year, we did a country potluck and bon fire (with smores and singing Christian folk songs).  But that might be hard if you’re trying to avoid the neighborhood.  I have known others who have “hid out” in a finished basement and did movie night.



    Maybe a public library.  Sometimes they will let you reserve one of their activity rooms if no one else will be using it.  If the weather is nice enough, I would say a city park or state park during the day.  Some restaurants let you use a private party section if you all are buying their food.  I wish we could join you…but the drive is a bit too far.


    We plan on doing our family camping trip over Halloween. This year it isn’t happening so we are actually going before Thanksgiving. I am in east central Florida, so Halloween is about the earliest in the year we can comfortably camp without terrible mosquitos and a fire actually being nice to sit around.


    We are going to be traveling this year, but I’m seriously considering some sort of Reformation Party for next year.

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