Allow me to introduce myself :)

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum CM Educating Allow me to introduce myself :)


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  • emily95603

    I’ve been on this forum and website for a while, and wanted to introduce myself. My husband and I have been married for 11 years and I’m a mom to 4 children, ds9, dd6, dd3, ds18 mo, and another ds due in September. I just completed my third year of homeschooling. We live in California, and homeschool through a charter school. My oldest son attended kindergarten and 1st grade in a public school and after praying for a long time about something we felt that homeschooling was the answer to that prayer so we started and it’s definitely been a rocky adventure but I think I’m finally starting to get the hang of this homeschooling thing.

    We’re homeschooling for six weeks over the summer so I can take some time off when our baby is born and it’s going great so far. I thought I’d share what we’re doing in case you are interested. We’re using Real Science 4 Kids Chemistry (love it!), Module 5 with the Early Modern and Epistles study guide (this is new to us and we like it so far), KISS grammar (using the 3rd grade book one for my 5th grader) Math on the Level (still kind of new to me, we did a little with it last year), Spelling Wisdom (AWESOME), the Outdoor Hour Nature Challenges, Mozart for our composer study, Rembrandt for our picture study (bought the SCM portfolio but won’t be using it until Friday), Emily Dickinson for poetry, Handwriting Without Tears, and Mavis Beacon. Right now we’re reading “The Long Winter” as a family and I’m trying to ease into doing ‘summer school’ and haven’t given any assigned books to read yet.

    We also belong to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (mormon church) so we do cub scouts and Faith in God. We memorize scriptures and primary songs and read scripture stories.

    I love the Charlotte Mason philosophy! I feel I have learned so much over the last few years with my kids especially when I compare it to that first year when I used our charter school’s recommended curriculum (houghton mifflin, harcourt, blah!).

    So, there you have it. That is my family and me. It has really taken us three years to work up to being able to do this much school in one day and to find the curriculum that was a good fit for us. We’ve tried lots of different things and I could go on about my homeschooling journey but I will just say that it has been a refining process for me.

    I always enjoy reading or hearing about other homeschoolers so I thought I would share my situation and maybe someone will be able to relate.

    Welcome Emily, I am at the end of my homschooling journey, just one year left, and you are at the start of yours. This is a fabulous forum as you know and you will find lots of kindred spirits here. You seem to have a nice rounded plan going, and I wish you much joy on this journey, there is nothing better than homeschooling – at least I don’t think there is..welcome. Linda


    Welcome Emily!

       It sounds like you will be very busy this year!  I think a hot summer afternoon would be a great time to relax with some books.  It is a good thing because they loose so much during summer and those long breaks. 

       Congrats on the little one on the way!



    Hi Emily!  Welcome!

    I have also been married for 11 years, and have kids that are ds8 (almost 9), dd6, dd4, and almost dd2….  but am NOT expecting!  lol.   Sounds like there are some similarities.

    There are a few LDS people here (including me)…. my son also does cubs and the Faith in God program… although we are in Canada, so the cub program is different.

    This is a great forum, which you probably have already noticed, and I am happy to be a part of it.  


    Hi Emily!

    Glad you introduced yourself and your family. I love this forum. Been away for a while and so glad to be back! Looking forward to chatting with you more.



    Welcome, Emily!  This is my favorite and main homeschool forum. I think you’ll find it to be a very friendly, encouraging place to hang out:) Gina


    Hi Emily, Welcome to this sweet pocket of the web. It’s so good and honest here. Love it dearly! I have four children … 8, 6, 5 (next month and from Ethiopia), and 3. They keep me busy and happy! Be encouraged here; lots of good stuff.


    Hi Emily! This really is a wonderful place on the web and I love the relaxed atmosphere. Everyone does things a little differently so it helps us each find great new ideas when we need them.

    I’m another of the LDS moms here. I’m in Ohio and my kiddos are:

    Makayla 11

    Joseph 7

    Emma 6

    Daniel 4

    Oliver 3

    Caleb 18 mos

    Mason 5 mos (with Spina Bifida and other medical challenges)

    Welcome to the group!


    Welcome Emily!  I too am another of the LDS moms on here. 😉

    We have 4 dd – 12, 11 (in a few days), 5 (in a few days) and 3.  

    We are so blessed to have this site and all the fabulous things they offer to encourage us.  The forum is so helpful and friendly.  Lots of new and interesting things are talked about here and I have found so many neat things it is hard to decide what to use when teaching. =)  The best thing – I have learned so much myself and made a few friends in the bargain.


    Welcome Emily! This is the best forum and we are glad that you have decided to join us.


    Hi Emily 🙂

    I love this place and you will too! I have 2 boys 7 and 10 in August!


    Welcome to the forum!

    This is an awesome group of ladies.  My boys are 2 and 5 and we are beginning our journey in the fall!



    Hey Emily…welcome!  We are a rural farm family from west central WI with 4 + children.  Our two oldest were adopted through treatment foster care 10 years ago.  We’ve been homeschooling our younger three for 5 years.  


    Girl – graduate, never homeschooled – will be 19 next week

    Girl – 16

    Girl – 8

    Boy – 7

    Boy due Monday, 18th, by C-section


    This forum is a wonderful resource!! I glean regularly.  You can learn more about our adventures here….





    Holy Cow, Melissa – I didn’t realize you were so close to your due date.  Good luck with the delivery and recovery!

    Welcome Emily!  This is by far my favorite homeschool place to be – the ladies and gentlemen here are very respectful, helpful and caring.  It’s a wonderful place to learn and support each other.

    We’re an LDS family as well, currently in NE, although we’ve lived in CA twice now and may be going back in a few years.  Who knows where the military will send us?!  We use a lot of the same curriculum you do and I have 4 kids – all boys- ages 12, 11, 8 and almost 6.


    Melissa all the best for the delivery on Monday….will keep you in my prayers. Love your blog by the way…and congrats on the new little blessing. Linda

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