All Creatures Great and Small by Herriot – movies

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  • missceegee

    Anyone seen these movies from Netflix? Can you tell me about age appropriateness, etc. I love his books.

    Rachel White

    No, I’m sorry I haven’t. I used to watch the BBC TV series growing up, though, with my mom.



    Rachel, this may be the tv series. There are 7 episodes, I think, 50 minutes long each and it is a BBC production. I put them in the instant queue at Netflix. Thoughts on the series?


    I love the books!  We recently saw the movie “All Creatures Great and Small”  starring Anthony Hopkins.  I don’t know if that is the same one you are wondering about, but that one was fantastic!  We’re pretty fussy about movie content and we thought it was appropriate for all ages.


    Being English and being familiar with the part of the world where the tv series was filmed, I can say I have always loved the books and tb series – my daughters as well.  The only thing I think you might find difficult are the accents of some of the characters and the language while not your typical modern day swearing is colourful, which means they make the series as realistic as possible and you are dealing with farmers out in the wilds and the language is what Iwould call typical for the countryside.  It would not make it R rated by any stretch, but we have words in England that are not so familiar to use here, that show up now and then.  They don’t bother me at all, I grew up in a farming village and am used to it.  The dialect may be more difficult, it can be frustrating if your children have trouble understanding what they are saying, but worthwhile if they can.  There are a few graphic scenes of animals being born and things like that, but I cannot remember now if that was the TV series or something else I saw.  We have the whole set in the house here and watched them all regularly at one time.  I like the matter of factness of the series, it is realistic, it does show life and death, and people’s personalities – I would recommend watching a couple of episodes yourself and then see what you think and if you can understand them – countryside is beautiful which it is, it is one of my favourite parts of the world and I spent a lot of time up there.  Anyway these are my thoughts.  There are some specials that were put out apart from the tv series and we enjoyed those as well.  They are all very like the books, so I think it would be fine..Linda


    We have only seen Season 1 and some of Season 2, but for the most part we enjoyed it.  At first is it very hard to understand what they are saying but over time you pick it up better.  Don’t watch it while you are eating! lol  As Linda said, it’s very realistic and there are some scenes of a man with his whole arm inside a cow’s rear-end, for example. 

    There is lots of drinking as part of daily life, which does not bother us.  When someone does get drunk it’s a very good visual of how foolish drinking to excess is. There is also some “womanizing” among the two brothers.

    I would go here to read what each episode is about.



    Thanks, ladies! I’ll watch a couple and read up a bit to see before I show the kids, but I appreciate knowing it’s worth the effort ahead of time.


    Rachel White

    I remember the arm up the rear scene! Laughing Yes, that appears to be the tv show from years ago. I just remember them fondly and as a regular feature in our home.

    I was raised on a regular diet of English programs; we also watched Dr. Who, Sherlock Holmes and Agatha Christie, that I recall imediately.

    It was a game growing up to try to speak different accents and to identify those of others.


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