AiG: God's Design for Life Set Question

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  • LindseyD

    Dh and I have decided on AiG’s Design for Life for ds10 and dd9 for next year. The problem is that we just finished Apologia’s Botany, and this set includes a study of plants. I noticed there is an option to buy the Land Animals and Human Body studies individually. I don’t particularly care to study plants again, but maybe we would enjoy the study more with AiG than with Apologia? Should I buy the set of 3 for $89 or buy Land Animals and the Human Body studies for $32.99 each ($66 total)?




    EmbarassedI’m stricken with an awful disease called “Complete Set-itis”! Whenever I can, I buy the complete set.

    We’re using AiG’s Design for Life this year.  We’ve only one Lesson 1, but the girls enjoyed it.

    If you didn’t really enjoy Apologia’s Botany, I think I’d be tempted to do Land Animals and Human Body and then Aig’s Plant study – that’ll put some time in between Apologia’s Botany and AiG’s Plant study.  But, see, that’s rationalizing my “Complete Set-itis”.

    As far as I know, there’s no reason you MUST have the three.  One of my friends just bought the Human Body study, and didn’t purchase the other two.

    When you get the teacher guide, it incl. a CD of ALL of AiG’s God’s Design worksheets and Quizzes.  That’s ALL, as in all 12 books.  The teacher’s guide itself only includes the answers to the questions at the end of each lesson and the answers to the quizzes.

    I’m sorry I’m not much help!


    Thanks, Karen! I, too, enjoy having complete sets of things whenever I can. In this case, it’s not a financial issue; it’s a waste issue. I don’t want to buy a complete set knowing that I own the set but won’t use the entire thing. If, however, the plant study is highly endorsed by some of you, I’ll likely buy the set and use all 3. This will be our rookie experience with AiG, and I am stricken with an awful disease known as “Want-to-Know-Everything-Prior to Buying-itis”!


    *L*  Well, since we’re only 1 lesson into it, I hate to “highly endorse” it – you know what I mean? 

    I’ve heard from others (HodgePodge homeschool? or Tristan, maybe?) that they’re students like to just pick up the AiG God’s Design books and read them – just for fun.  They do have neat pictures and I do like reading them – so if you think your children would do that, it wouldn’t be a waste.



    Hey, Lindsey!  We just started the AiG life science set too, after having done Apologia Astronomy and Botany both last year.  We started with the animals and have just finished the first week.  So far, we really like it.  I like Apologia, but didnt like the fact that it would take 5 Apologia books to cover life science. 

    We are planning to do the books in this order:  animals, human body, planet earth, weather and water, solar system, and plants.  I really want to do all the books, so I thought I would space them out a bit more instead of skipping them. 

    I really like the short readings in AiG.  The Apologia books were really interesting, and we are keeping them just for reference books.  But, the AiG is just a breath of fresh air so far. 



    Thanks, Christy! Are you using the Teacher’s Guides? Are they necessary?


    Can I jump in with a related question? I was planning 106 days of creation this year so would it be too similar to AIG Life the following year? I love the look of it and only just found out about it. Thanks.


    Lindsey, I do like the Teacher’s Supplement books.  They are very thin (53 pages).  They have each lesson broken down with the supply list for that day, and the answers to all the discussion questions, worksheets, and quizzes.  There is also a master supply list in the back with everything that you would need to do the experiments for that whole book.  I went through the book in about 30 minutes and wrote down all of the supplies that we would need and purchased those.  There were several experiments that I knew we would not need.  So, that way we wouldn’t waste money or time on things we didn’t need too.  In a word, the teacher supplements are…… simple.  Smile  I am a lot like you.  I am not a minimalist, but we are a very simple family and I don’t want things that we don’t need or use in my house.  Wink

    So, these are perfect for me.  HTH!



    Mrs McCardell, I don’t think you need to worry!  106 Days covers a vast number of topics in the field of science (physical science, earth/space science, etc.) and does so in a more introductory (yet perfecly wonderful) way than the AiG or Apologia series.  We used it in 2nd grade and had a wonderful year – I am a big fan of 106 Days!






    That would be “blessings”, not “b;ssomhs”.  I guess I subconsciously like to type in Klingon or something!  😉

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