AIG: God's Design for Heaven and Earth??

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  • greenebalts

    I’m thinking about starting the AIG series with 2nd and 3rd graders and wondering if this will be appropriate for that level?  We are totally and completely fried on life science 🙁  Dh suggested studying weather, solar system, and the earth.   I have Apologia Astronomy, but this does not include much about weather and we’re really not huge Apologia fans.


    Thanks so much,



    bump……Bookworm maybe??….anyone??





    From what I have seen of the curriculum, I think they would probably enjoy it. My friend owns the complete set of all of them, and I have looked at a few. Also, we are doing a science co/op class using the human body book for kids ages 7-11. I plan on using them when my girls are a bit older – probably the ages of your kids now.

    My friend who owns the whole set is using them with her boys, ages 8 and down. They are doing a type of charter school where she has to report to a teacher every month, and the teacher said it was the best science curriculum she has ever seen. Basically that’s coming from a public school teacher, but it’s still a good recommendation 🙂


    We like it.  However, it was a little over my 7 year old’s head.  My 11 yr old son can hardly put the books down!


    Michaela….that’s interesting about the charter school saying it was the best science. 


    Thanks Pollysoup….I think we’re going to try Our Planet Earth after the new year and see how it goes.  If they’re not getting it, I’m not afraid to let it go until a later time.  I too am questioning the 7 year old’s ability, but I think the 9 year old can do it.   We’ll see how it goes. 


    Thanks again for both the responses.



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