Aggh! I'm in a muddle!

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  • suzukimom

    Ok, I think I have a general plan worked out for the 3 kids (with Golf hanging around) on what to do.  I think it’ll work out good.  It’ll have the history that Delta loves, a bit of literature (read with audiobook), some more-at-their level Reading, etc. – and a lot more independent from me (but not everything….)  We will see how it goes…   There is going to be some resource sharing though…  

    And, um…. should I be concerned that Foxtrot (barely 5) did the little reading that I did to assess reading level better than both Echo (7) and Delta (almost 10?)    It sure makes me wonder if the older two would be reading better if I’d used the same reading instruction method as I did with Foxtrot…..


    I like AO. The readings are so challenging. However, I do think that we must all remember that we are HOME schooling. It is not a school. It is okay to combine as a family for some subjects. Sometimes when I am stressing about doing things a certain way, I must remind myself – This is my home, these are my children. It is not a set formula. Besides as I think someone else stated, CM had all levels doing the same time period. IS that right?

    Sometimes I have to remind myself of this when I stress myself out for not being as great as CM was at doing so many wonderful things. Then I remind myself that she had no household to run, laundry or meals to attend to. She did not have a husband to be a helpmeet to. She was not mother to her children and had many other hands to run what she did. I am in no way putting her down, but merely pointing out that it is okay if what I do looks a little different as I have a different situation. I do, however, try to incorporate the spirit of what she did into our home schooling. Hope my rambling makes sense. Just encouraging you to go with your own intuition as to what is best for your home and your school.


    @Joanne, Agreed! Two of our older three of five DC were at a disadvantage in their reading skills specifically because I kept all the extras going for a long time when I should’ve stopped and completely focussed on the 4Rs as you say. That’s such sound advice.

    @Benita, Amen! Being a wife and mother without a staff to which I can delegate (ok, the kids are my staff in the chores department,) means a much different situation, especially in the evenings, than the one in which CM lived. Ah, to read books in the evening, uninterrupted by the needs of others… ;0) Your helpful reminder to keep things in perspective is so important.





    Thanks for your lovely, well-worded, and timely reminder that what CM did in reality is just an ideal to work toward, not a mandate to how-it-should-be-done-or-else-it’s-wrong. Something to remember every day, indeed!



    I also like what Benita said. It reminds me of a quote from Votaire: “The perfect is the enemy of the good.” It’s easy to fall into that trap.


    Thank you too, Benita!  I was wondering why I couldn’t get it all to work just “right!” Laughing


    Scriptures – for Delta – Discovering the Scriptures BofM grades 4-7  (and maybe we can buy grades 1-3 for Echo….?). 


    Well, I went and carefully ordered the grades 1-3 for Echo and Foxtrot….. and although I was being careful, I ordered the New Testament one instead of the Book of Mormon one.  (Somehow I knew I was going to order the wrong one – and I did!)  Oh well, guess my kids will be in different scriptures this year!

    And the discount code worked – thanks!


    And I’m still in a muddle!  lol.

    I was thinking doing Easy Peasy for some of the subjects, partially to make them more independent – and partially to hopefully get more reading happening at level – but now I’m not even sure Delta could read the instructions reliably…  and maybe we should just do AO at 1/2 speed to make room for more reading instruction……

    Or maybe I just haven’t found the right answer yet….

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