Ages for Cat of Bubastes

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  • anniepeter

    I’d like to listen to Cat of Bubastes on Librivox with my kiddos 15, 9, 7, and 4 yo.  It is “for” my 15 yo.  I’m confident the 9 yo boy will like it.  But the younger two…my main concern is that it not be too heavy or scary to them.  (War, fighting, blood and gore…)  If you’ve read it, could you let me know your thoughts about this?


    We have just started listening to this on librivox with my 13, 11, and 9 year old.  It was difficult for my 9dd to follow with full understanding but she was able to get the general idea.  The first chapter was kinda gory but the language didn’t lend itself to active imaginations going wild.  I don’t think I would have had my kids do this at the age of 7, however I think it would TOTALLY depend on the individual child.  You know your kids best.

    *also,  we JUST started it, so we are only one chapter in.



    Thank you 🙂  Guess we’ll try to do it without the younger two then.

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