Your son would place in Delightful Reading Level 2, Words I Can Build for reading. In Delightful Reading 2, your son will learn how to put those letter sounds together to make words. Work on reading lessons for up to 20 minutes 2-3 times per week. If you desire to have him work on handwriting, then have him practice writing letters and the words he has learned in his reading lessons 2-3 times each week. Handwriting lessons are usually about 5 minutes but should be stopped before that if the student’s work becomes sloppy due to muscle fatigue. It is important that he can read the words that he writes for his lessons as this is the laying of the foundation for spelling lessons later.
For math, you will want to start with Book 1 of The Charlotte Mason Elementary Arithmetic series. Feel free to move quickly through any material at the beginning of the book that he may already know. With Book 1 he will explore the numbers 1-100 with addition and subtraction. He does not need to memorize the math facts yet. Starting in Book 2 he will memorize the addition tables and the first half of the multiplication tables. Work on math 15-20 minutes daily.