After years of CM, Not seeing the *SIMPLICTY* of it. Doing it wrong?

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum Planning Your CM Education Schedules After years of CM, Not seeing the *SIMPLICTY* of it. Doing it wrong?

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  • kellywright006

    Hi Everyone:

    I have been homeschooling 10 years. 3 years in CM. And I am begging you to read this *long* post and give me some encouragement.

    I have 5 grades to teach 9th, 7th, 5th, 3rd, 1st and 2 little ones. Each year, I attempt to add all the components of a rich CM education. I find myself, striving, striving, striving…..yet, not EVER achieving all that needs to be done (according to SCM planner), for both family studies and individual work.

    A successful homeschool would mean to me:  I want to feel good about the method of education I choose, AND the way I am able to implement it successfully. (Two essential aspects here: plan and execution). To me, the CM method of education is superior (in my mind and on paper); but am majorly lacking in the execution.

    I am finding that the ideal laid out in CM is not realistic, for this many grades.  There is laid out before us, a beautiful description in CM education as, the ‘feast.’  Here is my struggle, I can’t make Thanksgiving feast everyday, sometimes I need carry-out, sometimes a meal at my mom’s, sometimes it’s cereal).  It makes me feel like a *failure* to not be able to get to all these ‘side dishes at the feast.’  I have tried and tried, I plan and plan, make charts and schedules……and end up frustrated, and angry. I carry around so much mental stress trying to figure out a way to make all the CM components happen.

    I think I am at a crossroad here with educating at home and trying to maintain a home. Something has to give, and if I want there to be a harmonious atmosphere here, it’s gonna have to be a more simplistic method. One that frees me up as a mother from so much teacher-directed curriculum, to enjoy the children in this large family>>>That just might be workbooks. NEVER. EVER. Thought I’d say that. I don’t believe it’s best for their education, but how can one continue to set the aim so high, keep failing to reach the mark…..and not lower the bar?

    Maybe it’s the parts of the education I have chosen…..

    TruthQuest (very difficult and demanding as far as teacher involvement), trying to read 2 levels of books for each topic. Guessing at what are good books in a list of 25 books on Jamestown.

    RightStart math (for 2 of the young children, 30 minutes for each child, every day=1 hour/day) Others in higher grades do MUS and help them accordingly

    Listen to 2 little ones read

    Dictaion w/ 3

    Spelling Wisdom/Using Language Well

    Geography (I made a geography book for them to do with activities)

    Tree study/Nature study (check out living books from library, exploration)




    Memory (poem, hymn, passage of scripture)

    Weekly: Piano, Gymnastics,

    (Forget fine art and handicrafts)…..

    I don’t think this list of things seems any more than yours. For me, the stress lies all the mental pressure to get to these things accomplished (some of the items done daily, other’s done weekly). If we I were striving for less things to be covered, and more realistic goals, wouldn’t it then release stress?

    Can anyone give any encouragement or any suggestions on how to keep the way of CM in this home? I truthfully, honestly, see us leaving this high-goal off and heading towards Notgrass History or Mystery of History……in hopes to save my mind and bring down the bar.

    (PS: We did do the SCM History guides and really enjoyed them. They WOULD simplify things for me, a lot. I stopped doing them bc I did not feel the 6 year cycle worked well. 4 years in ancient times before coming to America seems disproportionate to me. SO, wish there was another pacing for these guides, I’d go back in a heart-beat if they didn’t do Greeks for a whole year and Romans for a whole year.)

    🙁  Feeling so so sad. Hoping to gleen from you all.


    I feel your pain and am constantly looking for ways to simplify. This year, that means we are doing several Queen’s homeschool books (consumables, workbooks, but CM style) and a few other workbooks. I just have to have some time when they are working independently. I have 2 I need to listen to read and a little one who seriously wants to learn to read so I have to start with that.

    I’ve never used Right Start math. I use MUS for my little guys and we love it. It takes so little of my involvement and they are really “getting it.”

    What about doing something other than SCM for ancient and then SCM for middle ages and modern times?

    I really liked SCM last year, but ventured out on my own this year. I feel like the SCM guide has given me an idea of how many books they need and I don’t feel like I need to be overwhelmed and try to do tons of books. I’m trying to keep it doable and fun and they are learning.

    But, I’ve often said that I’d rather do an all workbook, self-taught approach to getting totally burnt out and giving up. Hope you figure out a good balance.


    I believe that there is a big jump that happens with that fifth child. From my experience, and in watching others, I think homeschooling is fairly manageable for one to four kids. After that, things get harder to juggle. ?

    So, moms of large families usually need more systematic, scripted resources to free their brains from constantly worrying about everyone educational needs. This is when I would advise a solid workbook approach for the basics. Something planned for you, not too many moving pieces, and easy to use. If you can streamline the basics (reading, writing, math) then you will have time and brainpower to add in beauty.

    Sometimes learning to spell is not beautiful. It just is. It has to be done, and efficiency needs to take priority over beauty for the large family mom. Beauty is important, and will have a place to grow, if the mom builds a firm foundation in the skill subjects.

    I like Christian Light for math and language arts for the mom who needs students to work independently. It’s written to the student,is complete, thorough, and systematic. We use Saxon for math in upper elementary, but it’s too time-consuming in K-3.

    This has been a hard shift for me. We’ve been homeschooling for 15 years. My oldest is 18, and graduating this year. He is six years older than his seven siblings (who were born in 8 1/2 years). He had s rich CM education. However his skill subjects were greatly lacking. While this is not the fault of the CM methodology, it’s the reality of juggling many children without a firm plan in place to cover the basics. So, my younger children may not have the depth and beauty to the same degree that he did, but they will be able to spell and do algebra.

    You have decide on your priorities, get a firm footing in the basics, and THEN add in all the beautiful extras that you dream about.


    I am NOT “well-seasoned” AT ALL, but I will share a couple of things we have done. One, is that we also do not like a 6 year history rotation. So we combined all the ancients into 1 year with SCM. We took out all the Bible, and it did not feel rushed at all. As it is, we read & discuss the Bible together as a family twice a day (not during school time- which also simplifies the school schedule a bit); the kids are in Sunday School & a Wed. night class at church. We do a Bible “lesson” a couple of times/week as part of school, along with daily memorization. So we felt comfortable leaving that section off, with the exception of throwing in a few key points in Ancient Rome (we used SOTW for that module) about Jesus’ birth/death/etc. When the kids are older, we may do a separate one-time “Bible history” course, just to help solidify the connections.

    Another thing we do, to simplify many of the “extras”, is to make Friday a lighter day. We do our once weekly SCM geography “visit”; we do art; then we have a Poetry Tea Time. While I make the tea, we listen to a song from whatever composer we’re doing at the time. While the song is playing, the kids study a photo print from whatever artist we’re doing. They then “narrate” the picture, and say whether they liked the song, why, etc. Then tea is ready. We sit down and read a few poems while drinking our tea. And that’s it. We haven’t been memorizing poems at this point. It takes about 20 min. once a week. Obviously they don’t know the artist’s whole life story, and probably aren’t able to name more than 1 or 2 of their works, though I do try to give a little info about each new person. But I hope they are at least developing an appreciation for good art and classical music, etc. To me, that is better than nothing, which is what we would be doing if it wasn’t simple & fun.

    Hang in there!! 🙂


    Try thinking of teaching History as a chronological order of carefully chosen living books to compliment field trips.  Then pick a few longer books to read aloud from as a family twice a week.  For your older students, assign “reading” history, science, or literature daily.  They can also do oral or written narrations at their levels and add to their timeline once a week or two.  I have truthquest, but used it only for my benefit to help me in planning and understanding history better.  But most of the time, we go with SCM titles.  We combine ancients into one year, doing a separate Bible.  Spend one term on each Egypt, Greece, Rome.  Then we follow SCM modules 4-6.  Simplify your history with only one family read aloud and the rest individual reading at their level.  Hand them a book list and a timer.  Trouble choosing which books?  Look at SCM book lists and don’t give yourself too many options.  They won’t be able to learn it all now.  Go to history museums, events and performances, even documentaries, to foster a lifetime love for learning history.  Help make it real for them.  Schedule less than 36 weeks to allow for these and other field trips.

    CM methods do not have to be complicated.  Read living books, narrate, explore, enjoy.  Education is an atmosphere, a discipline, a life.  Play classical music in the background.  Enjoy some poetry at bedtime.  Go to a zoo, park, or museum.  Stop and enjoy the roses.

    Language Arts: reading, narrations, copywork, dictation, poetry, Shakespeare, memorization, recitation.  Do some of these daily.

    Math: the MUS seems to fit well for large families from what Tristan has shared.  Keep going with what works.  Daily.

    Science: reading, narrations, nature study, experiments, field trips, documentaries.  2x per week

    History: reading, narrations, field trips, documentaries.  2x per week

    Fine Arts/extras:  add in as you can.  You can do a loop schedule and aim for once per day.

    Meet state requirements and high school graduation requirements.  Then add where you can and have time for.

    Realize you don’t have to schedule everything out for the whole year in advance.  You may not finish a whole lesson or chapter in a book each day.  Use a timer to help if necessary.  These are things I am learning as I go, now in 8th year of CM homeschooling.  I am not a CM purist, nor do I intend to be.  But I see much value in her methods over traditional textbooks and workbooks.


    In my heart and mind, I am a CM purist. I love everything about it. In real life, I am a realist. As a realist, I know I have to compromise sometimes.

    I only have 4 kids – 10th, 7th, 4th, and 1st.

    I lead a CM co-op that meets weekly where we cover artist, composer, poet studies, nature study, geography, pe, and a misc. class based on age. That’s all we do on Fridays.

    I farm out some subjects to online classes. No it may not be CM, but it saves my sanity. This year, that is quite a bit actually.

    • 7th grader
      • Bible Survey class via Landry (quite CM in nature)
      • Graphic Design w/ GIMP via Landry (his science this term)
      • Adventures w/ Raspberry PI via Landry (science next term)
      • Math
      • Jr. High Lit Discussion Only via Center for Lit (1 x per month)
      • Writing Foundations (self directed b/c IEW appeals to this kid)
    • 10th grader
      • Bible Survey class via Landry (quite CM in nature)
      • Math w/ tutor
      • French II – online via skype w/ French friend
      • American Lit & Composition – Center for Lit (bi-weekly)
    • 4th Grader
      • Elem. Lit & Writing Center for Lit (weekly)

    Oh, I dropped dictation for 10th and 7th graders. 10th grader has steadily improved and corrects her writing well enough and begged to stop. 7th grader uses Phonetic Zoo and does much better than with dictation.

    Lose the guilt. Do what works for your family!


    I also wonder how independent your grades 5 & up are working.  Do they have their own schedule in front of them to follow each day?  I found Self- Propelled Advantage by  Joann Calderwood of helpful.  It can be used with any method of teaching.


    Others have given some good advice. I thought I’d respond to the Truthquest part. We use it too and I’ll admit I basically just use it as a bibliography but I don’t see how it is teacher intensive. It is thick and thorough but you have to be selective and decide which topics you will cover. I pick one spine book I read aloud to my kids in our “together time.” Then they each read books on more narrow subjects (like a biography of one person) at their own level on their own and narrate it either orally or in writing. That’s it. Though your kids have a big age range I would stick with one read aloud “spine” book and hear it just below the top age range– so probably middle school level for yours. The older ones will get more from it than others. My kids have charts so they know what to do each day and don’t have to come to me at every step. If I’m busy, they ems me narrations or use a device to do them as a voice memo or narrate to each other or even the dog. I wouldn’t want them doing this with every one but the point of narration is for them to say it not for me to hear it. Subjects like art and music and geography we do one a day after our history read aloud.


    We use Truthquest but I use it mostly for the commentary. I choose a spine and then use SCM and Charlottle Mason Help’s booklists to choose go-alongs. My 5th grader reads her to herself. I read to my 2nd grader. If he was a strong reader I would probably assign some to him to read alone, but he’s not. The only planning I have to do is matching up the commentary to the spine chapters and choosing the order for the go-alongs (I don’t worry about them matching up exactly), which takes maybe an hour in the summer. Then if a child is particularly interested in a topic I can use the TQ list to put any relevant books on hold at the library for them to read.

    I don’t have as many kids as you (5 total, 3 school-age) but have chosen to simplify to maintain my sanity. 5th grader switched to CLE math this year, because she can do it quicker and more independently than what she was using. We used English Lessons Through Literature last year and that helped make sure poetry, picture study, fable narration (for the 1st grader), and basic written narration (for the 4th grader) got done. 5th grader does memory work independently, and pretty much everything else independently as well with the exception of devotions, family RA, and the history spine. Hopefully we will add in poetry, composer study, picture study, etc for this year but they haven’t happened yet (we have a newborn). We use a lot of audiobooks, either at lunchtime or as independent assignments. Nature study doesn’t happen formally…they catch bugs, we grow a garden, we have a bird feeder on a window, and sometimes try to identify trees on walks, and that’s it. Handicrafts are free choice, not scheduled. I feel like it all gets in there somewhere, even if it doesn’t look the way it’s supposed to look. This is what I can do for now. I can definitely relate on feeling like CM is too teacher-intensive even though I don’t have as many school-age kids…in fact, I posted about feeling this way last year, and have simplified further this year to make things more manageable.

    I use the editable term schedule from Charlotte Mason Help (free, can’t remember if it’s on the website or yahoo group) for schedules for them. I just use a sticky or tell 5th grader if something is changing for the day. She has a copy and I have a copy of her schedule. I wouldn’t want to have to write everything out for each kid every day!


    Kelly, I’m not able to read all the replies right now but I’m sure they’ve given lots of good thoughts. I wanted to share my response to your post. You are perfectly normal to feel worn out, overwhelmed, and like you’re not doing enough! There are usually a few things to consider in response to those feelings.

    1. Are you burned out from doing all the work while the kids do little of the actual work of learning? The biggest thing that makes large family homeschooling possible after combining as much as we can is to have kids who can do most of their work with little oversight from mom. In non-readers this looks like a child who knows to open their notebook to the next page of copywork and do 1-2 lines, who listens to an audio book for their own literature enjoyment, who works math problems on their worksheet until they get to a word problem (then they get an older person to read it to them). In readers who are elementary it includes a child who can read their science or write/draw about their history for narration, who can practice their Spelling Wisdom as copywork most of the week (needing you only to read it aloud on Fri. for dictation), who can do their math on their own (asking questions after doing everything on the page that they can first), who can practice their memory work on their own if you aren’t doing the same pieces as a family in morning time. In a high schooler this looks like them working on everything on their own, self motivated, and having a meeting with mom each day or every other day to work on things together like edits for writing, history discussions, science questions or experiments they need help with, and math questions.

    2. Are you using Charlotte’s methods? Generally, I find them simple. For any reading in a subject the child narrates – out loud, in writing, with a drawing, a lego build they explain, etc. Picture study (fine arts) is 5 minutes once a week looking at a painting to hang the image in your mind, telling back without looking what they remember of the painting. Then 5-10 minutes reading about that artist, learning a bit more each time. History is reading 1 good book on their own (or listening to audio or to mom) and listening to 1 good read aloud, and narrating. I think this is one area it becomes very easy to stuff with too many books! They have a lifetime to read and learn, we are exposing them to the 1 or 2 best books for a topic, and we are not covering every topic or event in a time period.

    Allow things to count for more than one thing. When my child is doing copywork if they are younger than Spelling Wisdom age it will probably be a poem, hymn verse, or scripture they are memorizing. If they are older then they copywork the Spelling Wisdom passage a couple times in a week and then do the dictation with me. If a child is writing a narration in science about an experiment they did and the results, plus drawing the experiment, it’s nature study, drawing, science, and writing in one single thing. Until high school I wouldn’t add in a  ‘writing project’ every day outside of their narrations. On weeks where we choose to do a writing project with my elementary/middle school kids they are much more likely to be doing oral narration for their history, literature, and science instead of writing a narration.

    3. Are you using materials that make the work harder/longer than it needs to be? You mentioned Truthquest and Right Start Math. With any curriculum or book plan you need to select just the best 1-2 books – not multiple books for a single topic.  I don’t know what Truthquest is like, but I’ll give you an example of what we are using. We’re doing Beautiful Feet for history this year. Each week I have to look through the assignments and pick and choose what we’re going to do. I don’t do every option. We read from 1-2 books, no more than 100-150 pages a week (20-30 pages a day at most). We do one or maybe a few activity or discussion options.  I have my 6th, 5th, 3rd, 2nd, and K kids all grouped together in history, 1 book for all 5. The high schooler has her own book list, and she tends to do more of the activity/writing/research/discussion options in her level or Beautiful Feet, but not all of them.  Right Start is very mom time intensive. Is it worth it? Only you can decide that. For me, it’s too much of a time drain when I have 6 kids homeschooling and 3 little ones tagging along.

    4. Combine ruthlessly. Until high school a child can easily be grouped for everything but skill based subjects (math, independent reading, writing expectations – though the narration assignment may be the same for all ages, they would do it to their age ability). We do 1 science for my elementary and middle school kids. They get from it what they are ready and able to take in. We do 1 history for them all, each can enjoy the stories we read and form their own relationships with it. We do morning time together for high school on down and so have 1 hymn we’re singing, 1 scripture we’re memorizing, 1 poetry day, 1 civics lesson, 1 grammar lesson, 1 picture study, 1 composer(this alternates with an artist, so we do one for 6 weeks, then the other for 6 weeks) – and we don’t do all those on the same day. 30 minutes in the morning rotating through. (Read about it here:  )

    Is there anything wrong with choosing resource that are more scripted for you, like Notgrass or Mystery of History? Nope! But you will still need to be selective of how you use them, they tend to have a lot of extras added. We did use MOH for one year, only reading it aloud, no other work from it. Why? I was pregnant with my 7th, Mason, who was going to be born mid-school year with major medical needs and surgeries. I needed laid out and easy. Open to the bookmark, read one day’s reading, close the book and let the kids draw it or tell me about it. Homeschooling is flexible and there are no Charlotte Mason police who will come tell you you are doing it wrong. Do what works for you.

    Are you lacking the feast and the joy for your kids? Yes, it sounds like you are right now, or you feel like you are. Been there! What usually helps me is to ask the kids what they want more of in homeschool. Then I hand that over to them to do in the afternoon if possible. This year when I asked the kids overwhelmingly said they wanted more science and art. So every other week we have another family over to do art (I needed the accountability to get it done and inviting another family makes that happen), and we are adding in nature study and science things more regularly, with a formal science (for the under high school kids) planned for winter when we all get stuck inside.

    It does get harder to juggle more kids, at least mentally. What worked before may need tweaked so you’re juggling fewer individual plates (combine, combine, combine!).

    ((HUGS)) You are doing a great work and God is multiplying your efforts in the lives of your children to be much more than you realize. Trust that. He can take our imperfect offering of 5 loaves and 2 fishes and feed a feast to a multitude of children until they are filled.


    Hi Kelly! 🙂 One way I’ve simplified is to just add one enrichment per day. We do the basics every day-history, science, math, language arts, and Bible. Then I add in one enrichment per day. I don’t worry about getting to 1 composer study, picture study, etc. per term. I simply do one at a time and we get through what we get through. My goals are more like 1 artist per year,lol. We don’t even do formal composer study any more. We listen to classical music a lot and my daughter learns classical pieces for piano. We read biographies of composers when we come across them in our history studies. It is not a separate, scheduled subject.

    If I were you, I’d go with something like Queen’s Language Lessons or Total Language Plus for language arts so that it’s all planned out for you and the kids can work more independently.

    I would drop geography for the younger kids and have the older kids do something that can be done independently. The SCM guides can be done independently by older students. We barely did any geography until middle school in our home.

    We don’t do formal hymn study or poetry study. We sing hymns at church and my daughter learns hymns for piano and I am content with that. Sometimes we read a bit of poetry here and there but it is not formal nor is it on the schedule.

    Neither do we do formal nature study or habit training. The habit training is something that is more organic for us and we just enjoy nature, paying attention, and looking up new things here and there.

    Also, I too, find the Truthquest guides to be too much work for me. I have to spend a lot of time planning, checking out books, making trips to the library, etc. I’ve found it easier to just choose my books and use the SCM planning book to schedule them for the year.  I also don’t like the jumping around in spines. I’d rather choose 1 spine at a time and read a bit from that each day/week in order, than jump around from spine to spine per topic.

    I do love the thought of Truthquest and loved using the U.S. guide in the elementary years when we didn’t use a spine, and there were plenty of U.S history books available at the library. I was also younger and I had more energy. 😀

    Last but not least, please, please, please feel free to do what works for your family, your lifestyle, your culture, etc. Each of us are in a unique family, situation, and season and only you can know what is best for you and your family right now. You don’t have to do all the CM riches. They are there to be a blessing to you and your family but if they are a burden-cut them out until they begin to feel like a blessing again and then add in a little bit, here and there as you desire. You can also make the riches more casual-enjoy being in nature and noticing God’s creation, listen to beautiful classical music while you go about your day, hang pretty artwork in the house, or set it as your computer screen saver, or put on the fridge.

    I, like Christie, have realized that being a CM purist is not realistic for my life and situation. I have relaxed a bit and added in non CM components when necessary, and I have also dropped CM components when it is best for my family. I had to stop and think what drew me to CM methods in the first place and keep those as a priority in my homeschool, while letting go of some of the methods that have become more burden than blessing, and really never resonated with my heart in the first place. For me, the things that really drew me to CM were living books, narration and the appreciation of beautiful music, art, nature, etc. I’ve learned to keep these things at the heart of our homeschool while also pursuing many of them in a more relaxed manner.

    God has called you to homeschool those amazing children of yours and He will lead you and guide you and equip you every step of the way. Sometimes we just have to let go of our own ideas of what is best so that we can fully embrace His.




    I also wanted to add that we have dropped copy work and dictation now that my daughter is in high school, and we keep memory work down to  scripture alone which takes only minutes per day.


    Well, I have only four kids so you can take my suggestions for what they’re worth. 🙂 As a low energy person, I became very overwhelmed trying to fit so many things in to each day. And it wasn’t getting done. I finally made peace with the idea that ‘good enough’ that got done was better than striving for perfection. So no we don’t do poetry and composer and artist and shakespeare every week. I pick one at a time to focus on, and just do that one once a week (or less) till we finish the book or whatever, however long that takes. Then we move on to another one. Over the course of the year, or years, they are getting exposure to the ‘feast’. It’s just not all at once.

    I think picking easy to use curriculum is key. MUS is great for this. Why not use it for your younger kids too? This year I’ve switched to using English Lessons Thru Literature and it has greatly simplified things for me. (I picked it over SW and ULW just because having everything all in one book makes it so much simpler) I’m still doing all those lovely CM things, but not all at once. It’s written to be used 3 days a week. So the kids get a poem three times each week and picture study every other week. I did prefer doing those things as a family, but this way requires no work from me. Nothing to plan or schedule or remember or get dropped. I open up the book and there’s a poem included in the days work, or a picture. I bought the workbooks to go along with it, because it made copywork SO easy. I think ELTL could easily be independent for 5th grade and up.

    History- if SCM history was much less stressful for you to use, why  not go back to it? you can use years 4-6 as written and combine years 1-3 into one year, reading just the spine together and giving each kid just 1-2 books to read on their own from each module.

    Handicrafts- I only teach new handicrafts in the summer. Then during the school year they do them on their own. I let each kid choose their own. I find that way they enjoy it and just do it on their own.


    I am in awe of the encouragement the Lord has given you ladies to share with me. I have carefully read each of these suggestions. I appreciate hearing the specifics of what curriculum you are using and the pacing, fleshing out of it. That helps me to visualize some different options! I am jotting down any curriculum suggestions you have made, so that I can look them up!

    I also so value all of the encouragement for the feeling of overwhelm I am feeling right now,  in wanting to bless our children with such a rich education….and killing myself to do it ALL. I love @Tristan said about the CM police. And what @missceegee said about being a purist, but how sometimes it’s not possible. I appreciate hearing how God has taught each of you to simplify and relax and adapt expectations you have in your homeschool, when necessary.

    What an absolute blessing these responses have been. EVERY ONE of them has been helpful .  Thank you so much.


    Oh and, specifically….I feel like I *want* to read history as a family so that we can continute to have rich discussions. I have found it to be one subject that prompts discussions (worldview). TruthQuest (and @RobinP) has really helped me to see how to ask certain questions to bring understanding of man’s hearts as we read about their choices in history.

    Therefore, when we read “Story of Liberty” or “Sweet Land of Liberty” chapters (one of the suggested spine series), I want to read together to have these discussions (with the older 9th, 7th, 5th graders). BUT, I also *want* to read a lighter history to the younger 3rd and 1st graders. I AM doing both now. Perhaps, (gulp) I could, possibly try to assign the bigger kids to read it on their own, but the 5th grader would not be able to read it independently. So, that has made me, hold onto it and keep it for us to do together. I think that is why it is time draining, because I am reading and discussing 2 levels of history. I do assign the bigger girls additional books to read, I just keep the spine book as what we read together.

    Also, whee I said TQ was taking a lot of time, I was referring to managing all the books from the library and choosing for different age ranges. In our guide the commentaries for each section have been very very long and can’t even be read in one sitting. So, it’s been a little more difficult to get into the books with a longer spine.

    What are your thoughts about reading the spine book with the bigger girls, to keep the discussion and worldview questions running through the events in history? AND, reading more basic history with the youngers?

    Blessings to you all!

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