After RightStart? Sequence of maths?

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  • 3fallingleaves

    My DD10, 4th grade, is finishing RightStart E this year. I’m uncertain as to what to do next.  I’ve read mixed info on RightStart G. Also, it’s been recommended that I plan out how far I hope for her to get in math before graduating from high school and plan out the years needed for Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry, calculus, etc. and use that to help in my planning.  I have no idea on that, especially on sequence and time needed for each area.  Any recommendations on either area?  I’ve searched the forum and read some older posts on what people have done after RightStart, but they are all fairly old.  Also, we are a fairly math-minded family, so I would gravitate towards a more advanced math plan.  I appreciate any advice.  Thank you!


    General advice is to wait to start algebra until puberty.  The abstract reasoning skills are more advanced then.

    If you started algebra in 7th or 8th grade,  you could do one or two years of living math or Right Start G, and then start pre algebra.

    Some ideas for living math are Beast Academy books, or Ed Zacarro books. Lial’s has a Basic College Algebra which is supposed to be a good review of basic math before pre algebra.

    Hands on Equations is another option. has a Yahoo group with lots of mathy people that can help too.


    My oldest child loved RightStart, but once he got in to level D, I had two others in in RightStart. It was just too much for me to teach three math lessons a day, on top of everything else, so he switched to Teaching Textbooks Math at one grade level ahead of normal. Teaching Textbooks was fine for a couple of years. However, my son didn’t benefit from the way the arranged their practice problems.

    In 6th grade we switched to Saxon. I would not have used Saxon with him in the early years, just too much repetition, he is very quick to learn math so early grades Saxon was boring. Saxon middle grades is wonderful. He really gets in to some more depth with different concepts and finds it challenging but attainable.

    I decided to put him on target to take Pre Algebra in 7th grade, but with Saxon, if you get to that point and they aren’t ready, they have an optional math year before Pre Algebra so I know we are OK for now. Great, in fact.


    Thanks for the advice!!

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