Advice, prayers and encouragment

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum Moms’ Porch Let’s Chat Advice, prayers and encouragment

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  • Misty

    Ok.. ladies.. I have 6 wonderful children the youngest just turned 1 Feb 6th.  And I’m pregnant again, test confirmed this morning.  I’m going through a mix of emotions.  I am open to children, I’m not sad about that at all.  But this was not planned and we were being VERY careful.  I had only menstrated once and we were carefull to go with out for 10 days.  But God must have had other plans for us.

    I haven’t told my dh (he’s at work, didn’t think the phone is the best way).  He’s self employeed and praise to the Lord has had work all winter.  But I know that he’s going to be stressed because the economy isn’t great and as many of you with children (many or just a few know) financies with a single working spouse is always tricky.

    So how can I help him to get over the shock first, then find the joy?  This might also go for me.  I am excited but this was so soon.  Keep me and our family in your prayers please.  Thanks for your prayers! Misty


    Sorry about that 1st paragraph maybe I was to open with you Embarassed 


    First….HUGS!  I am praying for you right now!

    Always remember that children are a blessing from the Lord even when $ is tight Tongue out

    I wish I could have more……”we fixed things” before we came to know Christ.




    First off, I just wanted to give you a {hug}.  We only have two kids, so I really can’t imagine what you are feeling right now.  The Lord knows how much you can handle; and if you weren’t planning on more kids, obviously He was!  I will be praying for peace and joy over your family during this time of adjustment.  What an amazing blessing to have another child!



    First, congratulations!  What wonderful blessings children are, even when they come sooner or later than we expect. 

    I would find a calm, peaceful moment to tell your husband, if you can.  One possibility is to simply say it in passing, matter of fact and positively.  “I just found out something exciting today, honey.  We’re pregnant!”  And then move on.  If he needs some time to process, give it to him, don’t expect a response.  Maybe say it on your way to the kitchen when making dinner… 😉



    Congrats on the new bundle of joy, what a blessing! I’m sure when the shock wears off your husband will be thrilled.  I would probably give subtle hints about being pregnant so it wouldn’t be such a shock. This way he could guess the suprise which may make it easier then you  blurting out “I’m pregnant”. 

    I will be praying that God gives you and your husband peace & comfort with HIS plans.

    Let us know how it goes.

    Misty, may God bless you and help you find the words to tell your husband your news.  It must seem like an overwhelming thing right now, and from your previous posts I know you have your struggles.  Just remember God has a plan for us all, and though sometimes it seems He gives us more than we can cope with – in reality he does not.  With 4 family deaths in 4 years, a hurricane that destroyed our home and most of our belongings, serious illness of one of my children, and many other smaller things – there were times, I thought I could not cope, and believe me I had days of doubt – but now with just my daughter’s health left to deal with on a daily basis, I can look back and say I got through.  It was most certainly a struggle at times, but now I can look back and see how I have grown in the Lord and though I still have lots to learn (ie. not to worry so much and to let God take over) I see that there is a plan and a way through the most troubling and scary of times.  Children are our greatest blessing and though you will certainly have your hands full – remember your heart will also be full, of love for them all and that will help you get through the years to come.  I pray that God will bless you and give you a peaceful spirit and that your husband continues to have abundant work to support you.  Stay strong, healthy and peaceful, immerse yourself if God’s word and remember to keep up the training of the habits with your other children – that will pay huge dividends when the little one arrives.  Make sure you spend some of your pregnancy time, thinking of ways to make your days organised and plan the schooling in a way that will help when the new baby comes.  There will be days, when you will want to run away – but remember you CAN and WILL get through this and the joys will be amazing.  Please let us know how things are going for you.  God bless and our prayers are with you.  Linda


    Hi Misty,


    You’ve already received plenty of advice and encouragement, so I have just one or two things to add. Wink

    We are currently expecting our #7 too, and the finance aspect is something that has concerned my dh at various times too.  A wise older mother told me once that she found that every time they were expecting or had another baby, her husband’s income increased in some way to cater for that – God looked after them.  And you know what?  I have found that to be true in our situation too.  My dh started as a cleaner, yet God has brought increase step at a time to where he is today.  I think it’s a little harder for the husband to see that sometimes when they feel the weight of providing resting heavily on them.  But pray, and trust God for the financial side of things – maybe look up and discuss some faith/provision scriptures with your dh.  God will provide when you are trusting him and following his will.  He cares for you. Laughing


    Hmmm, well, there was something else I was going to add as well, except now i’ve forgotten what it was….. must be pregnancy brain in action Wink .  


    Anyway, I pray that you both find joy and peace about your new precious child – especially for your dh at this time.



    Update…  Well I do believe Satan was trying to take my happy spirit about this baby and destroy it.  But God won this battle again.  Cause after I wrote this yesterday I prayed, talked with an older wiser faithful mom, and we prayed together and I had time to think before dh got home.

    God is awesome and totally amazing.. all my worries, my fears , my emotions were not God driven at all they were put there from the one who hates us to be happy.  You know why..

    My dh was excited!  Happy, smiling, laughing and he took me in his arms and loved me.  There was no finance talk (though you are right Linda God has always given us more than enough also), no worries from him, actually he was making jokes about what my parents will say (you have to understand we have lived there 2 times while building homes and gotten pregnant both times).  He said things like I guess I’m glad we got that 12 passenger van this summer and I will need to make a bench for the kitchen table I think!

    God is so good, I know he prepared his heart for this.  Thank you all for your prayers and thoughts you are such a wonerful bunch of women.  Now.. for the morning sickness I am already feeling.. ahhh!!!  Love and thanks Misty

    Misty, I am so happy that all went well with your husband and that you have a happy heart today, long may that continue.  Relaxing in God’s wonderful word and the word of good friends is the answer to so many things, and keeping a peaceful heart (not my strong suit) is very important.  I am glad you have a good friend to pray with. God bless you and may this pregnancy bring you joy as you await another special event.  Ginger tea and Ginger Trips  from the healthfood store helped with my morning sickness.  Linda


    Misty we are so excited for you.  I know there will be challenges ahead but just remember the blessings that are coming!  You’re in my prayers. 



    Congratulations, Misty! I’m glad the talk went well with your husband, too.


    That’s awesome, Misty.  Have a great day.


    Wonderful, Misty!  Congratulations.  Keep us updated on how you are feeling.  Enjoy!


    Oh Misty, this is such wonderful news! What a blessing you’ve received! I’m so glad that you and your husband are rejoicing and that God has restored peace to your heart. Praying for you and your family. 


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