Advice, prayer, Book Samaritan, AAAAGHGHGH!

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum Moms’ Porch Let’s Chat Advice, prayer, Book Samaritan, AAAAGHGHGH!

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  • ebcsmom


    How would one know if they had a homeschool lending library nearby? We also are in need this year and would love it if we had one as well. They sound wonderful.



    Just wanted you to know your not alone this year, we too have had some harder times than normal, however God is faithful to provide our needs and I know he will yours as well. I know that he didn’t ask me to school my children only to leave me without the needed essentials. Praying for your family as well! This is a wonderful group of ladies with lots of wonderful ideas. I found that I was able to find lots of things for free on the net that we could print and use. I could send you some links as well. Keep your head up Gods still on the throne, and when we can’t see a way he ALWAYS makes a way!Smile


    Check with your state homeschool association for groups local to you. Contact those groups and ask. For example, FPEA is our state association and HERI ( operates a lending library for its members. Don’t be afraid to ask friends as well.


    I don’t supposed either you or Christie are from Virginia or Tennessee…but check out THIS library!!





    Im from TN! I am hoping I am going to check this out, hopefully we might be able to benefit from it. Does it matter what part of TN because I am not east TN.



    I have no idea! I just found it on a google search!! I think the site says southwest VA and NE TN. What a beautiful collection, and great concept! Let us know if you actually get in touch with them!


    RobinP, is that your lending library they are talking about?


    That is Liz and Emily Cottrill’s library (Emily did the Picture Study Portfolios.)  However we have the same number of books (around 15,000 mainly out of print living books…and growing…it’s my goal to have 20,000 books on my shelves in the next year) and operate very similarly.  We are doing a CM seminar next weekend together. 



    Did you end up getting everything you need? Are you all set to begin your homeschooling this year now? Big praises that you found help in such a hard time!

    God bless!



    we are mostly set!  i searching out latin materials and have a few downloads to order!  book samaritan got back to me, and several folks here offered resources generously…i feel like i can see my next steps finally! Praise God; i know He always provides – i just never imagined it’d be via an online community!  so cool!

    blue j

    PM’d you, Amy.


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