advice needed on books for study on Greece

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    I have been looking at the bookfinder suggestions for a study on Greece for second graders.  Do any of you have a recommendation concerning the books A Child’s History of the World and On the Shores of the Great Sea?  They both appear to be an overview of the history of this time period.  Would you recommend one over the other?  Or, would it be helpful to have both?  Thanks in advance for your help!!

    Rachel White

    You can see a sample on Yesterday’s Classics of On the Shores of the Great Sea. It says that it’s for ages 9+, so that’s close for your child, so I’d suggest taking a look at the language and length to see if it’d work for you. It’s also on audio at Librivox.

    CHOW is good for her age, too.

    Technically, you could read CHOW and have her listen to …Shores…Sea. I don’t know how many chapters are used to cover Greece.

    Some books that she’s probably like reading on her own-mine did- are the ones (from Yesterday’s Classics):

    Our Little Athenian Cousin of LOng Ago– available at Heritage History:

    Our LIttle Spartan Cousin of Long Ago

    The Spartan Twins


    one or two of the Greek mythological books at Yesterday’s Classics.

    You couyld also take a look at Heritage History, color coded green for elementary readers:


    Thank you Rachel!!!  This is a huge help!  Can I ask . . . how did you tie in these books with the lesson plans in the SCM guide?  I know you mentioned that some of them were read independently.  But, what about the others?  Thank you again!

    Rachel White

    I don’t use the SCM Guides. I make my own history “curriculum”. I use All Through the Ages to pick my books for the year. I read a spine book and a historical fiction book (or more than one depending on time) out loud and then I give them books to read independently-some for narrating, some not. We watch documentaries, they narrate, we go to history museums and any other special exibits related to our topic and do a history timeline and that’s it.

    I use Sonya’s 5-Step process of scheduling my year. I really don’t like other people’s lesson plans!Wink


    Thank you again, Rachel!!!  It helps to see how others organize their studies.  I appreciate you sharing the details with me.  It has helped me so much!!!  You have given me a wealth of resources to use as well.   I am excited to learn about the All Through the Ages book.  That seems like it would be such a big help.  Thank you!!!

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